adding removing attributes while selection

Hi experts,
Doing in single actions is no problem, selection of faces then add a attribute, or select faces remvove existing attributes.
My idea is:
Select some / or deselect some faces adding / removing attributes while selction and the selected faces will kept highlighted.
some advice,
thank you in advance

I'm not sure I fully understand your desired workflow; here's my interpretation:

When the journal is executed the journal will:

  • highlight/select all the faces with a given attribute
  • the user can then select new faces/deselect existing faces as desired
  • when OK is pressed - journal will add attribute to newly selected faces and delete the attribute from the deselected faces

Please correct my interpretation as necessary.

I'm currently hope to improve my knowledge in the blockstyler, that the question behind. The structure seems to be static.

Unfortunately, at this time I do not have access to the blockstyler. Hopefully, someone with more blockstyler experience will come along and answer your question.