Check for associative PMI with a face

How would I check a List(Of Faces) to see if there is a PMI Surface Finish Symbol associated with it?

I had thought about using Annotations.QueryPmiFromGeometry(geom As displayableObject()) As Annotations.Annotation()but don't know how I would go about creating a displayableObject() for the face I'm checking.

If this were to work, I would then need to check if the returned value is a Surface Finish type or not. I can't figure out how I'd do this either.

Sorry, I was away this past week; I saw a similar post on the Siemens forum:

If that post isn't also yours, perhaps it will give you some code to use. Did you figure out how to determine if the PMI is a surface finish symbol? There is some code in the link below that reports the PMI display instance type.

Yes, that was also my post. I did manage to figure it out and posted the code I used on the Siemens forum.
