collecting points from a feature group

Hi, I need help collecting points from a feature group.

I have several points in several feature groups.

I need to collect those points (in the: whatCurves() ) for each feature group.

I have actual working code were I hve to select points, and then use them in my journal... but I thought getting them with a journal wouldn be that hard...

I am trying to adapt codes I found, but cant get what is wrong.


For Each tempFeat As Features.Feature In wp.Features

If TypeOf (tempFeat) Is Features.FeatureGroup Then

Dim featname As String = tempFeat.GetFeatureName
Dim numFeatures As Integer
Dim setFeatureTags() As Tag
theUfSession.Modl.AskAllMembersOfSet(tempFeat.Tag, setFeatureTags, numFeatures)
Dim setFeatures As New List(Of Features.Feature)

Dim whatCurves() As Point
Dim curveList As ArrayList = New ArrayList

''get features from tags
For Each tempTag As Tag In setFeatureTags

For Each setFeat As Features.Feature In setFeatures

if setFeat.FeatureType = "POINT" then
whatCurves = curveList.Add(setFeat) '>>>> here error
End if


''' then I will work with whatCurves..


For Each tempFeat As Features.Feature In wp.Features

If TypeOf (tempFeat) Is Features.FeatureGroup Then

Dim featname As String = tempFeat.Name
Dim numFeatures As Integer
Dim setFeatureTags() As Tag
theUfSession.Modl.AskAllMembersOfSet(tempFeat.Tag, setFeatureTags, numFeatures)
Dim setFeatures As New List(Of Features.Feature)

Dim selected () As NXObject
Dim whatCurves() As Point
Dim pointList As ArrayList = New ArrayList

''get features from tags
For Each tempTag As Tag In setFeatureTags

For Each setFeat As Features.Feature In setFeatures

if setFeat.FeatureType = "POINT" then

Dim nxObj() As NXObject = setFeat.GetEntities
Dim thePt As Point = nxObj(0)

End if

For Each aPoint As NXObject In setFeat.GetEntities


whatCurves = pointList.ToArray(GetType(Point))