Submitted by oguzhan.aydemir on Fri, 05/06/2016 - 04:51
Hello, How can I make a bounding box like rectanglar prisim around a solid with journal?
Thank you!
Hello, How can I make a bounding box like rectanglar prisim around a solid with journal?
Thank you!
re: bounding box
What version of NX are you working with?
If you are using NX 10, try recording a journal while using the "create box" command.
Re: Bounding Box
I found this code in Engtips this may useful for you....
and it'll be great help if anyone modifies to allow to user defined direction for X and Y
Option Strict Off
Imports System
Imports NXOpen
Imports NXOpen.UI
Imports NXOpen.Utilities
Imports NXOpen.UF
Module make_bounding_block_of_selected_body_relative_to_wcs
Dim s As Session = Session.GetSession()
Dim ufs As UFSession = UFSession.GetUFSession()
Dim lw As ListingWindow = s.ListingWindow()
Sub Main()
Dim a_body As NXOpen.Tag = NXOpen.Tag.Null
Dim csys As NXOpen.Tag = NXOpen.Tag.Null
Dim target As NXOpen.Tag = NXOpen.Tag.Null
Dim blockFeature As NXOpen.Tag = NXOpen.Tag.Null
Dim min_corner(2) As Double
Dim directions(2, 2) As Double
Dim distances(2) As Double
Dim edge_len(2) As String
While select_a_body(a_body) = Selection.Response.Ok
ufs.Modl.AskBoundingBoxExact(a_body, csys, min_corner, directions, _
lw.WriteLine("Min_corner: " & _
min_corner(0).ToString & ", " & _
min_corner(1).ToString & ", " & _
min_corner(2).ToString & ", ")
lw.WriteLine("X direction: " & _
directions(0, 0).ToString & ", " & _
directions(0, 1).ToString & ", " & _
directions(0, 2).ToString & ", ")
lw.WriteLine("X distance: " & _
lw.WriteLine("Y direction: " & _
directions(1, 0).ToString & ", " & _
directions(1, 1).ToString & ", " & _
directions(1, 2).ToString & ", ")
lw.WriteLine("Y distance: " & _
lw.WriteLine("Z direction: " & _
directions(2, 0).ToString & ", " & _
directions(2, 1).ToString & ", " & _
directions(2, 2).ToString & ", ")
lw.WriteLine("Z distance: " & _
edge_len(0) = distances(0).ToString()
edge_len(1) = distances(1).ToString()
edge_len(2) = distances(2).ToString()
ufs.Modl.CreateBlock(FeatureSigns.Nullsign, _
target, min_corner, edge_len, blockFeature)
End While
End Sub
Function select_a_body(ByRef a_body As NXOpen.Tag) As Selection.Response
Dim message As String = "Select a body"
Dim title As String = "Select a body"
Dim scope As Integer = UFConstants.UF_UI_SEL_SCOPE_ANY_IN_ASSEMBLY
Dim response As Integer
Dim view As NXOpen.Tag
Dim cursor(2) As Double
Dim ip As UFUi.SelInitFnT = AddressOf body_init_proc
ufs.Ui.SelectWithSingleDialog(message, title, scope, ip, _
Nothing, response, a_body, cursor, view)
End Try
If response <> UFConstants.UF_UI_OBJECT_SELECTED And _
response <> UFConstants.UF_UI_OBJECT_SELECTED_BY_NAME Then
Return Selection.Response.Cancel
ufs.Disp.SetHighlight(a_body, 0)
Return Selection.Response.Ok
End If
End Function
Function body_init_proc(ByVal select_ As IntPtr, _
ByVal userdata As IntPtr) As Integer
Dim num_triples As Integer = 1
Dim mask_triples(0) As UFUi.Mask
mask_triples(0).object_type = UFConstants.UF_solid_type
mask_triples(0).object_subtype = UFConstants.UF_solid_body_subtype
mask_triples(0).solid_type = UFConstants.UF_UI_SEL_FEATURE_BODY
ufs.Ui.SetSelMask(select_, _
UFUi.SelMaskAction.SelMaskClearAndEnableSpecific, _
num_triples, mask_triples)
Return UFConstants.UF_UI_SEL_SUCCESS
End Function
Public Function GetUnloadOption(ByVal dummy As String) As Integer
GetUnloadOption = UFConstants.UF_UNLOAD_IMMEDIATELY
End Function
End Module
What does the min_corner imply there?
Hello this code works well to define bounding points, but what does the min_corner imply there?
re: min_corner
The "min_corner" gives you the coordinates of the corner of the bounding box. The "directions" variables gives you the orientation of the box and the "distances" gives you the length of the edges of the bounding box.
At complex shapes this algorithm can not create a bounding box.
Hello, When I run the journal on more complex shapes. Output of this journal can not create a bounding box for the shape. But the min corner and distances are true.What might be the problem? What does " body_init_proc" function does and what are the parameters mean? May you help me?
Thank you!
re: bounding box
What version of NX are you using? Also, do you get any error message when you run the journal on your complex shape?
The selection function used in this journal (.SelectWithSingleDialog) allows for some complex filtering actions to be specified; in this case, the simpler selection function, .SelectTaggedObject, could have been used. The "body_init_proc" function in this journal simply sets the selection filter to solid bodies. The variable named "select_" is what the user selected and "userdata" is optional "other stuff" that you can pass in for further processing (not used in this journal).
I use nx10 and nx8. No error
I tried it in nx10 and nx8. The same thing happend. No box but only the results.
re: no box
Are you working in an assembly or a piece part? If an assembly, make sure the correct part is set as the "work" part before running the journal.
If no "block" feature is created in the part navigator, I'd suggest running the "examine geometry" command. Sometimes when the geometry of the part is corrupt, other commands do not function correctly. Start the examine geometry command and turn on all the face and body checks then window select around the entire body of interest (a window select will pick up the body as well as all the faces and edges). If any issues are reported, these may need to be fixed to get the proper results.
p.s. If you are using NX 10, I would suggest using the "create box" command instead of this journal.
Piece part. And Still the same problem.
No issues on geometry as well. It is just not working on complex solids. I think there is no solution in this way. How can I make box using these distances in a diffrent corner?
Thank you.
re: no box
Did the NX 10 command, create box, fail as well?
I've run the code on some complex parts that I have; the code worked correctly on them. Can you email me the part file where the code fails? (
If you can't send me the file, perhaps you should have GTAC take a look at it since the journal code was created by them.
There is another version on GTAC that uses the newer "block builder" object instead of the .CreateBlock function. Perhaps that version would work better for you.
Can this be done for Multiple bodies in a single component
Can this be done for Multiple bodies in a single Part?
I don't want want selection mask, I just want to select all the solid Bodies form the displayed part. I am unable to tag all the bodies at once.
Dim theBodies As Body() = AskAllBodies(MyPart)
Dim csys As NXOpen.Tag = NXOpen.Tag.Null
Dim min_corner(2) As Double
Dim directions(2, 2) As Double
Dim distances(2) As Double
Dim edge_len(2) As String
Dim target As NXOpen.Tag = NXOpen.Tag.Null
Dim blockFeature As NXOpen.Tag = NXOpen.Tag.Null
Dim Mybodies As NXOpen.Tag = Nothing
Dim i As Integer = Nothing
Dim j As Integer = theBodies.Length
For i = 0 To j - 1
Mybodies = theBodies(i).Tag
ufs.Modl.AskBoundingBoxExact(Mybodies, csys, min_corner, directions, distances)
edge_len(0) = distances(0).ToString()
edge_len(1) = distances(1).ToString()
edge_len(2) = distances(2).ToString()
ufs.Modl.CreateBlock(FeatureSigns.Nullsign, target, min_corner, edge_len, blockFeature)
Function AskAllBodies(ByVal thePart As Part) As Body()
Dim theBodies As New System.Collections.ArrayList()
Dim aBodyTag As Tag = Tag.Null
ufs.Obj.CycleObjsInPart(thePart.Tag, _
UFConstants.UF_solid_type, aBodyTag)
If aBodyTag = Tag.Null Then
Exit Do
End If
Dim theType As Integer, theSubtype As Integer
ufs.Obj.AskTypeAndSubtype(aBodyTag, theType, theSubtype)
If theSubtype = UFConstants.UF_solid_body_subtype Then
End If
Loop While True
Return DirectCast(theBodies.ToArray(GetType(Body)), Body())
End Function
re: AskBoundingBoxExact
According to the API reference docs, the AskBoundingBoxExact function takes only a single object tag as input; trying to pass in an array of tags will probably cause an error.
Combine Bodies
Is there any way that I can combine all the bodies to one Like Unite.The problem is the parts may not intersect in few cases Still I want to combine those and create Bounding BOX.
Boxing several bodies
It's not a good idea to try to combine the bodies, you just want to "combine" their boxes. In other words, you want a single box that encloses all the boxes of the individual bodies. If you have access to SNAP, there is a function Snap.Geom.Box3d.Combine that does exactly what you need. If you don't have SNAP, then you just need to take the minimum and maximum XYZ coordinates of the individual boxes.
Combine Bodies
Trying Some thing like in the following code to combine the bodies. But I am ending up with error in adding the bodies to list (Didn't have time today to diagnose the error). Maybe that's a good idea u given I can create bound boxes for all the bodies in my component then unite them to create new box to measure the desired vale. I just want a rough dimension of the overall part for some estimation.
'Measure Boundingbox Dimensions
Dim theBodies As Body() = AskAllBodies(MyPart)
Dim csys As NXOpen.Tag = NXOpen.Tag.Null
Dim min_corner(2) As Double
Dim directions(2, 2) As Double
Dim distances(2) As Double
Dim target As NXOpen.Tag = NXOpen.Tag.Null
Dim blockFeature As NXOpen.Tag = NXOpen.Tag.Null
Dim XValue As String = Nothing
Dim YValue As String = Nothing
Dim ZValue As String = Nothing
Dim Mybodies As NXOpen.Tag = Nothing
Dim i As Integer = Nothing
Dim j As Integer = theBodies.Length
If j > 1 Then
' lw.WriteLine("there are " & Bodieslist.Count & " solid bodies on Part)
Dim Bodieslist As List(Of Body) = Nothing
For Each temp As Body In theBodies
Dim nullFeatures_BooleanFeature As Features.BooleanFeature = Nothing
Dim booleanBuilder1 As Features.BooleanBuilder
booleanBuilder1 = workPart.Features.CreateBooleanBuilderUsingCollector(nullFeatures_BooleanFeature)
Dim scCollector1 As ScCollector
scCollector1 = booleanBuilder1.ToolBodyCollector
booleanBuilder1.Tolerance = 0.001
booleanBuilder1.Operation = Features.Feature.BooleanType.Unite
Dim added1 As Boolean
added1 = booleanBuilder1.Targets.Add(Bodieslist.Item(0))
Dim scCollector2 As ScCollector
scCollector2 = workPart.ScCollectors.CreateCollector()
Dim bodies1() As Body = Bodieslist.ToArray
Dim bodyDumbRule1 As BodyDumbRule
bodyDumbRule1 = workPart.ScRuleFactory.CreateRuleBodyDumb(bodies1)
Dim rules1(0) As SelectionIntentRule
rules1(0) = bodyDumbRule1
scCollector2.ReplaceRules(rules1, False)
booleanBuilder1.ToolBodyCollector = scCollector2
Dim nXObject1 As NXObject
nXObject1 = booleanBuilder1.Commit()
Dim Newbodieslist() As Body = AskAllBodies(MyPart)
If Newbodieslist.Length = 1 Then
Mybodies = Newbodieslist(0).Tag
lw.WriteLine(Partno & ": Part has " & Newbodieslist.Length.ToString & " solid bodies. Please Check the bounding box Dimensions manaully")
End If
ElseIf j = 1 Then
Mybodies = theBodies(0).Tag
lw.WriteLine(Partno & ": Part has no solid bodies. Please Check the bounding box Dimensions manaully")
End If
ufs.Modl.AskBoundingBoxExact(Mybodies, csys, min_corner, directions, distances)
Dim TrimX() As String = Split(distances(0).ToString, ".", 2)
Dim TrimY() As String = Split(distances(1).ToString, ".", 2)
Dim TrimZ() As String = Split(distances(2).ToString, ".", 2)
XValue = TrimX(0) & "." & Left(TrimX(1), 3) & " mm"
YValue = TrimY(0) & "." & Left(TrimY(1), 3) & " mm"
ZValue = TrimZ(0) & "." & Left(TrimZ(1), 3) & " mm"
Catch ex As Exception
lw.WriteLine(Partno & ": Bound Box Dimensional Error-" & ex.Message.ToString)
XValue = distances(0).ToString
YValue = distances(1).ToString
ZValue = distances(2).ToString
End Try
Unite all bodies and get the Bounding BOX dimension
I am able to build individual boxes and unite all bodies to get the correct Dimension. Is it possible to filter the new block and unite them in following code (As of now basic bodies also getting united as they are submerged inside the bounding boxes).
Dim theBodies As Body() = Nothing
theBodies = AskAllBodies(MyPart)
Catch ex As NXException
lw.WriteLine(Partno & ex.ErrorCode.ToString & ex.Message.ToString)
End Try
Dim myMeasure As MeasureManager = theSession.Parts.Display.MeasureManager()
Dim massUnits(4) As Unit
massUnits(0) = theSession.Parts.Display.UnitCollection.GetBase("Area")
massUnits(1) = theSession.Parts.Display.UnitCollection.GetBase("Volume")
massUnits(2) = theSession.Parts.Display.UnitCollection.GetBase("Mass")
massUnits(3) = theSession.Parts.Display.UnitCollection.GetBase("Length")
Dim MyNewmeasure As MeasureBodies = Nothing
'.NewMassProperties(array of units, accuracy parameter, array of bodies to measure)
MyNewmeasure = myMeasure.NewMassProperties(massUnits, 0.99, theBodies)
MyNewmeasure.InformationUnit = MeasureBodies.AnalysisUnit.KilogramMillimeter
Dim TrimV() As String = Split(MyNewmeasure.Volume.ToString, ".", 2)
Partvolume = TrimV(0) & "." & Left(TrimV(1), 3) & " mm^3"
Catch ex As Exception
lw.WriteLine(Partno & ": Volume error-" & ex.Message.ToString)
Partvolume = MyNewmeasure.Volume.ToString
End Try
'Measure Boundingbox Dimensions
Dim csys As NXOpen.Tag = NXOpen.Tag.Null
Dim min_corner(2) As Double
Dim directions(2, 2) As Double
Dim distances(2) As Double
Dim edge_len(2) As String
Dim target As NXOpen.Tag = NXOpen.Tag.Null
Dim blockFeature As NXOpen.Tag = NXOpen.Tag.Null
Dim XValue As String = Nothing
Dim YValue As String = Nothing
Dim ZValue As String = Nothing
Dim Mybodies As NXOpen.Tag = Nothing
Dim i As Integer = Nothing
Dim j As Integer = Nothing
j = theBodies.Length
If j = 1 Then
GoTo line1
ElseIf j > 1 Then
For i = 0 To j - 1
Mybodies = theBodies(i).Tag
ufs.Modl.AskBoundingBoxExact(Mybodies, csys, min_corner, directions, distances)
Catch ex As Exception
lw.WriteLine(Partno & ": Bound Box Creation Error for individual solids" & ex.Message.ToString)
End Try
edge_len(0) = distances(0).ToString()
edge_len(1) = distances(1).ToString()
edge_len(2) = distances(2).ToString()
ufs.Modl.CreateBlock(FeatureSigns.Nullsign, target, min_corner, edge_len, blockFeature)
' lw.WriteLine("there are " & Bodieslist.Count & " solid bodies on Part)
ElseIf j = 0 Then
lw.WriteLine(Partno & ": Part has no solid bodies. Please Check the bounding box Dimensions manaully")
End If
'theBodies = Nothing
'Mybodies = nothing
Dim Blocklist() As Body = AskAllBodies(MyPart)
Dim nullFeatures_BooleanFeature As Features.BooleanFeature = Nothing
Dim booleanBuilder1 As Features.BooleanBuilder
booleanBuilder1 = MyPart.Features.CreateBooleanBuilderUsingCollector(nullFeatures_BooleanFeature)
Dim scCollector1 As ScCollector
scCollector1 = booleanBuilder1.ToolBodyCollector
booleanBuilder1.Tolerance = 0.01
booleanBuilder1.Operation = Features.Feature.BooleanType.Unite
Dim added1 As Boolean
added1 = booleanBuilder1.Targets.Add(Blocklist(0))
Dim scCollector2 As ScCollector
scCollector2 = MyPart.ScCollectors.CreateCollector()
Dim bodyDumbRule1 As BodyDumbRule
bodyDumbRule1 = MyPart.ScRuleFactory.CreateRuleBodyDumb(Blocklist)
Dim rules1(0) As SelectionIntentRule
rules1(0) = bodyDumbRule1
scCollector2.ReplaceRules(rules1, False)
booleanBuilder1.ToolBodyCollector = scCollector2
Dim nXObject1 As NXObject
nXObject1 = booleanBuilder1.Commit()
Catch EX As NXException
lw.WriteLine(Partno & ": Unite bodies error" & EX.Message.ToString)
End Try
Dim Newbodieslist() As Body = AskAllBodies(MyPart)
If Newbodieslist.Length = 1 Then
Mybodies = Newbodieslist(0).Tag
lw.WriteLine(Partno & ": Part has " & Newbodieslist.Length.ToString & " solid bodies. Please Check the bounding box Dimensions manaully")
End If
ufs.Modl.AskBoundingBoxExact(Mybodies, csys, min_corner, directions, distances)
Dim TrimX() As String = Split(distances(0).ToString, ".", 2)
Dim TrimY() As String = Split(distances(1).ToString, ".", 2)
Dim TrimZ() As String = Split(distances(2).ToString, ".", 2)
XValue = TrimX(0) & "." & Left(TrimX(1), 3) & " mm"
YValue = TrimY(0) & "." & Left(TrimY(1), 3) & " mm"
ZValue = TrimZ(0) & "." & Left(TrimZ(1), 3) & " mm"
Catch ex As Exception
lw.WriteLine(Partno & ": Bound Box Dimensional Error-" & ex.Message.ToString)
XValue = distances(0).ToString
YValue = distances(1).ToString
ZValue = distances(2).ToString
End Try
edge_len(0) = distances(0).ToString()
edge_len(1) = distances(1).ToString()
edge_len(2) = distances(2).ToString()
ufs.Modl.CreateBlock(FeatureSigns.Nullsign, target, min_corner, edge_len, blockFeature)
re: bounding boxes
Create an array or list (I suggest a list of type Body) to hold the "bounding blocks". Every time you create a block, add it to the list. When you are ready to unite the bodies, use only those in the list.
Collecting the Blocks
After Creating the blockfeature I am unable to add it to a list It is throwing Object reference error. But for individual Body (After Line1) it is running perfectly. Also can you help me to tag the United body which is created by Boolienbuilder1. It is input for Line1
Dim theBodies() As Body = Nothing
theBodies = AskAllBodies(MyPart).ToArray
' MsgBox(theBodies.Length.ToString)
' Catch ex As NXException
' lw.WriteLine(Partno & ex.ErrorCode.ToString & ex.Message.ToString)
' End Try
'Measure Boundingbox Dimensions
Dim csys As Tag = Tag.Null
Dim min_corner(2) As Double
Dim directions(2, 2) As Double
Dim distances(2) As Double
Dim edge_len(2) As String
Dim target As Tag = Tag.Null
Dim blockFeature As Tag = Tag.Null
Dim XValue As String = Nothing
Dim YValue As String = Nothing
Dim ZValue As String = Nothing
Dim Mybodies As NXOpen.Tag = Nothing
Dim i As Integer = Nothing
Dim j As Integer = Nothing
Dim Blocklist As List(Of Body) = Nothing
j = theBodies.Length
If j = 1 Then
Mybodies = theBodies(0).Tag
GoTo line1
ElseIf j > 1 Then
For i = 0 To j - 1
Mybodies = theBodies(i).Tag
ufs.Modl.AskBoundingBoxExact(Mybodies, csys, min_corner, directions, distances)
edge_len(0) = distances(0).ToString()
edge_len(1) = distances(1).ToString()
edge_len(2) = distances(2).ToString()
ufs.Modl.CreateBlock(FeatureSigns.Nullsign, target, min_corner, edge_len, blockFeature)
Dim tagobj As TaggedObject = Utilities.NXObjectManager.Get(blockFeature)
Dim sblock As Features.Block = tagobj
Dim sBody As Body = sblock.GetBodies(0)
Catch ex As NXException
lw.WriteLine(Partno & ex.ErrorCode & ": Bound Box Creation Error for individual solids" & ex.Message.ToString)
End Try
Dim nullFeatures_BooleanFeature As Features.BooleanFeature = Nothing
Dim booleanBuilder1 As Features.BooleanBuilder
booleanBuilder1 = MyPart.Features.CreateBooleanBuilderUsingCollector(nullFeatures_BooleanFeature)
Dim scCollector1 As ScCollector
scCollector1 = booleanBuilder1.ToolBodyCollector
booleanBuilder1.Tolerance = 0.01
booleanBuilder1.Operation = Features.Feature.BooleanType.Unite
Dim added1 As Boolean
added1 = booleanBuilder1.Targets.Add(Blocklist(0))
Dim Newblocklist1() As Body = Blocklist.ToArray
Dim scCollector2 As ScCollector
scCollector2 = MyPart.ScCollectors.CreateCollector()
Dim bodyDumbRule1 As BodyDumbRule
bodyDumbRule1 = MyPart.ScRuleFactory.CreateRuleBodyDumb(Newblocklist1)
Dim rules1(0) As SelectionIntentRule
rules1(0) = bodyDumbRule1
scCollector2.ReplaceRules(rules1, False)
booleanBuilder1.ToolBodyCollector = scCollector2
Dim nXObject1 As object
nXObject1 = booleanBuilder1.Commit()
Catch EX As NXException
lw.WriteLine(Partno & ": Unite bodies error" & EX.Message.ToString)
End Try
' lw.WriteLine("there are " & Bodieslist.Count & " solid bodies on Part)
ElseIf j = 0 Then
lw.WriteLine(Partno & ": Part has no solid bodies. Please Check the bounding box Dimensions manaully")
GoTo line2
End If
ufs.Modl.AskBoundingBoxExact(Mybodies, csys, min_corner, directions, distances)
Dim TrimX() As String = Split(distances(0).ToString, ".", 2)
Dim TrimY() As String = Split(distances(1).ToString, ".", 2)
Dim TrimZ() As String = Split(distances(2).ToString, ".", 2)
XValue = TrimX(0) & "." & Left(TrimX(1), 3) & " mm"
YValue = TrimY(0) & "." & Left(TrimY(1), 3) & " mm"
ZValue = TrimZ(0) & "." & Left(TrimZ(1), 3) & " mm"
Catch ex As Exception
lw.WriteLine(Partno & ": Bound Box Dimensional Error-" & ex.Message.ToString)
XValue = distances(0).ToString
YValue = distances(1).ToString
ZValue = distances(2).ToString
End Try
edge_len(0) = distances(0).ToString()
edge_len(1) = distances(1).ToString()
edge_len(2) = distances(2).ToString()
ufs.Modl.CreateBlock(FeatureSigns.Nullsign, target, min_corner, edge_len, blockFeature)
Dim Myblock As TaggedObject = Utilities.NXObjectManager.Get(blockFeature)
Dim Bbox As Features.Block = Myblock
Dim Transparentbody As Body = Bbox.GetBodies(0)
Transparentbody.Color = 5
Dim displayModification1 As DisplayModification
displayModification1 = theSession.DisplayManager.NewDisplayModification()
displayModification1.ApplyToAllFaces = True
displayModification1.ApplyToOwningParts = False
displayModification1.NewWidth = DisplayableObject.ObjectWidth.Two
displayModification1.NewTranslucency = 100
Dim objects1(0) As DisplayableObject
objects1(0) = Transparentbody
Catch ex As NXException
lw.WriteLine(Partno & ": " & ex.ErrorCode & "-" & ex.Message.ToString & "Unable to Create Transparent Body")
End Try
re: bounding box
What version of NX are you using? NX 9 and above has a "create box" command that may do exactly what you need.
NX 9
I am using NX 9. Recently Updated.
Need Help To get the XYZ Values out of CreateBox command
Here is the Code to create bound box around multiple bodies based on face collection. I have problem to get the box dimension out of this.I tried to combine ufs.Modl.AskBoundingBoxExact with the box generated, But is not getting tagged as solid type I guess.
Module Boundbox
Dim theSession As Session = Session.GetSession()
Dim workPart As Part = theSession.Parts.Work
Dim displayPart As Part = theSession.Parts.Display
Dim theUI As UI = UI.GetUI
Dim ufs As UFSession = UFSession.GetUFSession
Dim lw As ListingWindow = theSession.ListingWindow
Sub Main()
Dim theSession As Session = Session.GetSession()
Dim workPart As Part = theSession.Parts.Work
Dim displayPart As Part = theSession.Parts.Display
Dim nullNXObject As NXObject = Nothing
Dim createBoxBuilder1 As Tooling.CreateBoxBuilder
createBoxBuilder1 = workPart.ToolingManager.CreateBox.CreateBoxBuilder(nullNXObject)
createBoxBuilder1.Type = Tooling.CreateBoxBuilder.BoxType.Bounding
createBoxBuilder1.XValue.RightHandSide = "10"
createBoxBuilder1.YValue.RightHandSide = "10"
createBoxBuilder1.ZValue.RightHandSide = "10"
createBoxBuilder1.Clearance.RightHandSide = "1"
createBoxBuilder1.OffsetPositiveX.RightHandSide = "0"
createBoxBuilder1.OffsetNegativeX.RightHandSide = "0"
createBoxBuilder1.OffsetPositiveY.RightHandSide = "0"
createBoxBuilder1.OffsetNegativeY.RightHandSide = "0"
createBoxBuilder1.OffsetPositiveZ.RightHandSide = "0"
createBoxBuilder1.OffsetNegativeZ.RightHandSide = "0"
createBoxBuilder1.BoxColor = 15
Dim position1 As Point3d
position1 = createBoxBuilder1.GetBoxCsysPosition()
Dim faceDumbRule1 As FaceDumbRule
Dim faces1() As Face = AskAllFaces(workPart).ToArray
faceDumbRule1 = workPart.ScRuleFactory.CreateRuleFaceDumb(faces1)
Dim rules1(1) As SelectionIntentRule
rules1(0) = faceDumbRule1
createBoxBuilder1.Objects.ReplaceRules(rules1, False)
Dim selections1() As Object = Nothing
selections1 = faces1
Dim deselections1(-1) As NXObject
createBoxBuilder1.SetSelectedOccs(selections1, deselections1)
Dim value1 As Point3d = New Point3d(0, 0, 0)
Dim nXObject1 As NXObject
nXObject1 = createBoxBuilder1.Commit()
Dim Myx As String = createBoxBuilder1.XValue.IntegerValue.ToString ' I dont know which will retrun the value out of expression
lw.WriteLine("Unable to get XYZ Values Here" & Myx)
'Dim csys As Tag = Tag.Null
'Dim min_corner(2) As Double
'Dim directions(2, 2) As Double
'Dim distances(2) As Double
'Dim edge_len(2) As String
'Dim target As Tag = Tag.Null
'Dim blockFeature As Tag = Tag.Null
'Dim XValue As String = Nothing
'Dim YValue As String = Nothing
'Dim ZValue As String = Nothing
'Dim Mybodies As NXOpen.Tag = nXObject1.Tag
' ufs.Modl.AskBoundingBoxExact(Mybodies, csys, min_corner, directions, distances)
' Dim TrimX() As String = Split(distances(0).ToString, ".", 2)
' Dim TrimY() As String = Split(distances(1).ToString, ".", 2)
' Dim TrimZ() As String = Split(distances(2).ToString, ".", 2)
' XValue = TrimX(0) & "." & Left(TrimX(1), 3) & " mm"
' YValue = TrimY(0) & "." & Left(TrimY(1), 3) & " mm"
' ZValue = TrimZ(0) & "." & Left(TrimZ(1), 3) & " mm"
' lw.WriteLine("X = " & XValue & ", Y = " & YValue & ", Z = " & ZValue)
'Catch ex As Exception
' lw.WriteLine("Partno" & ": Bound Box Dimensional Error-" & ex.Message.ToString)
' XValue = distances(0).ToString
' YValue = distances(1).ToString
' ZValue = distances(2).ToString
'End Try
Catch ex As NXException
lw.WriteLine(ex.ErrorCode.ToString & ex.Message.ToString)
End Try
End Sub
Function AskAllFaces(ByVal thePart As Part) As List(Of Face)
Dim theFaces As New List(Of Face)
Dim FaceTag As Tag = Tag.Null
ufs.Obj.CycleObjsInPart(thePart.Tag, UFConstants.UF_solid_type, FaceTag)
If FaceTag = Tag.Null Then
Exit Do
End If
Dim theType As Integer, theSubtype As Integer
ufs.Obj.AskTypeAndSubtype(FaceTag, theType, theSubtype)
If theSubtype = UFConstants.UF_solid_face_subtype Then
End If
Loop While True
Catch ex As NXException
lw.WriteLine(ex.ErrorCode & ex.Message)
End Try
Return theFaces
End Function
End Module
re: box edge lengths
The .XValue, .YValue, and .ZValue are properties of the create box builder object. If you want to use these values, you will need to query/save them before calling the builder's .Destroy method.
Unable to read these properties .Xvalue
As per API Ref document this values are for general Box only. Does it work for BoundBox?. If it is possible, Which property of the expression will give me the value.
XValue :Returns the edge length in X direction for general box.
YValue :Returns the edge length in Y direction for general box.
ZValue :Returns the edge length in Z direction for general box.
re: XYZ values
Whoops, I didn't realize that the create box builder was used for 2 different types of box. It appears that the XYZ values only pertain to the general box and not the bounding box. One option would be to use the .AskBoundingBox function on the resulting body from the create box builder.
Below is a modified version of your code:
Option Strict Off
Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports NXOpen
Imports NXOpen.UF
Module Boundbox
Dim theSession As Session = Session.GetSession()
Dim workPart As Part = theSession.Parts.Work
Dim displayPart As Part = theSession.Parts.Display
Dim theUI As UI = UI.GetUI
Dim ufs As UFSession = UFSession.GetUFSession
Dim lw As ListingWindow = theSession.ListingWindow
Sub Main()
Dim theSession As Session = Session.GetSession()
Dim workPart As Part = theSession.Parts.Work
Dim displayPart As Part = theSession.Parts.Display
Dim nullNXObject As NXObject = Nothing
Dim createBoxBuilder1 As Tooling.CreateBoxBuilder
createBoxBuilder1 = workPart.ToolingManager.CreateBox.CreateBoxBuilder(nullNXObject)
createBoxBuilder1.Type = Tooling.CreateBoxBuilder.BoxType.Bounding
createBoxBuilder1.OffsetPositiveX.RightHandSide = "0"
createBoxBuilder1.OffsetNegativeX.RightHandSide = "0"
createBoxBuilder1.OffsetPositiveY.RightHandSide = "0"
createBoxBuilder1.OffsetNegativeY.RightHandSide = "0"
createBoxBuilder1.OffsetPositiveZ.RightHandSide = "0"
createBoxBuilder1.OffsetNegativeZ.RightHandSide = "0"
createBoxBuilder1.BoxColor = 15
Dim position1 As Point3d
position1 = createBoxBuilder1.GetBoxCsysPosition()
Dim faceDumbRule1 As FaceDumbRule
Dim faces1() As Face = AskAllFaces(workPart).ToArray
faceDumbRule1 = workPart.ScRuleFactory.CreateRuleFaceDumb(faces1)
Dim rules1(1) As SelectionIntentRule
rules1(0) = faceDumbRule1
createBoxBuilder1.Objects.ReplaceRules(rules1, False)
Dim selections1() As Object = Nothing
selections1 = faces1
Dim deselections1(-1) As NXObject
createBoxBuilder1.SetSelectedOccs(selections1, deselections1)
Dim value1 As Point3d = New Point3d(0, 0, 0)
Dim nXObject1 As Features.BodyFeature
nXObject1 = createBoxBuilder1.Commit()
'lw.writeline("nXObject1.GetType: " & nXObject1.GetType.ToString)
dim boxBody() as body = nXObject1.GetBodies
'lw.writeline("number of bodies: " & boxBody.Length.ToString)
Dim csys As Tag = Tag.Null
Dim min_corner(2) As Double
Dim directions(2, 2) As Double
Dim distances(2) As Double
Dim edge_len(2) As String
Dim target As Tag = Tag.Null
Dim blockFeature As Tag = Tag.Null
Dim XValue As String = Nothing
Dim YValue As String = Nothing
Dim ZValue As String = Nothing
Dim Mybodies As NXOpen.Tag = nXObject1.Tag
ufs.Modl.AskBoundingBoxExact(boxBody(0).tag, csys, min_corner, directions, distances)
XValue = distances(0).ToString("#.000") & " mm"
YValue = distances(1).ToString("#.000") & " mm"
ZValue = distances(2).ToString("#.000") & " mm"
lw.WriteLine("X = " & XValue & ", Y = " & YValue & ", Z = " & ZValue)
Catch ex As Exception
lw.WriteLine("Partno" & ": Bound Box Dimensional Error-" & ex.Message.ToString)
XValue = distances(0).ToString
YValue = distances(1).ToString
ZValue = distances(2).ToString
End Try
Catch ex As NXException
lw.WriteLine(ex.ErrorCode.ToString & ex.Message.ToString)
End Try
End Sub
Function AskAllFaces(ByVal thePart As Part) As List(Of Face)
Dim theFaces As New List(Of Face)
Dim FaceTag As Tag = Tag.Null
ufs.Obj.CycleObjsInPart(thePart.Tag, UFConstants.UF_solid_type, FaceTag)
If FaceTag = Tag.Null Then
Exit Do
End If
Dim theType As Integer, theSubtype As Integer
ufs.Obj.AskTypeAndSubtype(FaceTag, theType, theSubtype)
If theSubtype = UFConstants.UF_solid_face_subtype Then
End If
Loop While True
Catch ex As NXException
lw.WriteLine(ex.ErrorCode & ex.Message)
End Try
Return theFaces
End Function
End Module
Got it!
Thanks for the reply. nxobject1.getbodies gave me error since getbodies is not property of NXObject. I have to cast it to get the bodies out of it, and it worked well. But I still facing the problems with assembly parts, Not sure what went wrong (Getting error code 580014- An opreation was attempted on invalid or unsuitable OM object). Need to Check it.
Dim nXObject1 As NXObject
nXObject1 = createBoxBuilder1.Commit()
Dim ObjTag As Tag = nXObject1.Tag
Dim Mybody As TaggedObject = Utilities.NXObjectManager.Get(ObjTag)
Dim Myfeature As Features.BodyFeature = Mybody
Dim Boxbody() As Body = Myfeature.GetBodies