Curve fitting using UF_MODL_create_fitted_spline with end slopes

I am trying to fit a curve using UF_MODL_create_fitted_spline providing end slopes. One end of the created spline shows a loop back due to the slope constraint. I have observed that NX decides the direction of the slope vector automatically. I tried negating the slope vector but still it causes a loop back. What causes this loop-back and what is the workaround for this?

I have 7 points for fitting with order 3. For a higher order 6, I see the loop-back getting reduced but the curve seems to be over constrained.

Data points -
P1: -1.560260,-0.181989,3.286604
P2: -1.578313,-0.213621,3.273950
P3: -1.595170,-0.242289,3.264351
P4: -1.596874,-0.276042,3.260926
P5: -1.572996,-0.298280,3.269681
P6: -1.542036,-0.306016,3.282902
P7: -1.509833,-0.310289,3.298223

Slopes -
Slope at beginning: 0.762061,0.552460,0.337714
Slope at end: 0.911118,0.097702,0.400398

What version of NX are you working with?
Can you post the code you have so far (at least the part that creates the spline from the input given above)?

I use version 8.5 . Below is sample code

// standard headers
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <uf.h>
#include <uf_ui.h>
#include <uf_exit.h>
#include <uf_defs.h>
#include <uf_modl_curves.h>
#include <uf_curve.h>
#include <uf.h>
#include <uf_csys.h>
#include <uf_part.h>
#include <uf_eval.h>
#include <uf_forgeo.h>
#include <uf_point.h>
#include <uf_curve.h>
#include <uf_modl_utilities.h>
#include <uf_modl_freeform.h>
#include <uf_modl.h>
#include <uf_evalsf.h>
#include <uf_defs.h>
#include <uf_modl_types.h>

using namespace std;

int ReportError( char *file, int line, char *call, int irc)
if (irc)
char err[133];
char msg[256];

sprintf_s(msg, "ERROR code %d at line %d in %s:\n",
irc, line, file);
UF_get_fail_message(irc, err);
sprintf_s(msg, "Error Message: %s\n",err);
//std::string filstr(file);

//stringstream ss;
//ss << line;
//string str_line = ss.str();
//sprintf_s(msg, "File : %s ... Line: %s\n",filstr, str_line);

// create exception
exception *ex = new exception(msg);
throw ex;

#ifndef UF_CALL
#define UF_CALL(X) (ReportError( __FILE__, __LINE__, #X, (X)))

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
try {

// Initialize NX

// ----- This code is for constructing part name string -----
// create a temporary part name
time_t now = time(0);
tm *ltm = localtime(&now);
char l_cTimeStr[256];
// write to string
sprintf_s(l_cTimeStr,"_%d%02d%02d_%02d%02d%02d",1900 + ltm->tm_year,1 + ltm->tm_mon,ltm->tm_mday, ltm->tm_hour, ltm->tm_min, ltm->tm_sec);

// append to file name
string partName = "BankFile";
int index = partName.find_last_of('.');
if (index>1)
partName = partName.substr(0,partName.size()-index+1);
int index1 = partName.find_last_of('\\');
int index2 = partName.find_last_of('/');
if (index1>index2)
partName = partName.substr(index1+1,partName.size()-index1);
partName = partName.substr(index2+1,partName.size()-index2);
// append the time stamp

// Part tag
tag_t m_tPartTagID;

// Create part

// Spline Curve Structure
SPLINE_FIT_t tFitSplineData;

double dMaxErr = 0.0; // Maximum err value
double dTolerance = 0.001; // Default Tolerance value
tag_t l_tSplineCrv = NULL_TAG; // Tag of the geometry
bool bIsFeature = false;

// Weight Data for the fit spline
tFitSplineData.weights = NULL;
tFitSplineData.num_of_weights = 0;
tFitSplineData.weight_positions = NULL;
// Segments Data
tFitSplineData.num_of_segments = 0;
// Tolerance always 0.0001 for all Airfoil curves
tFitSplineData.tolerance = 0.001;
// Degree of the fit spline = 3;
// Point Data with its memory allocation
tFitSplineData.num_of_points = 7;

// error code
int nErrorCode=0;

// allocate memory
tFitSplineData.points = (double*) malloc(3*(7)*sizeof(double));
// copy data to UF Array
//P1: -1.560260,-0.181989,3.286604
//P2: -1.578313,-0.213621,3.273950
//P3: -1.595170,-0.242289,3.264351
//P4: -1.596874,-0.276042,3.260926
//P5: -1.572996,-0.298280,3.269681
//P6: -1.542036,-0.306016,3.282902
//P7: -1.509833,-0.310289,3.298223
int nPt = 0;
//P1: -1.560260,-0.181989,3.286604
tFitSplineData.points[nPt] = -1.560260; nPt++; //1
tFitSplineData.points[nPt] = -0.181989; nPt++;
tFitSplineData.points[nPt] = 3.286604; nPt++;

//P2: -1.578313,-0.213621,3.273950
tFitSplineData.points[nPt] = -1.578313; nPt++; //2
tFitSplineData.points[nPt] = -0.213621; nPt++;
tFitSplineData.points[nPt] = 3.273950; nPt++;

//P3: -1.595170,-0.242289,3.264351
tFitSplineData.points[nPt] = -1.595170; nPt++; //3
tFitSplineData.points[nPt] = -0.242289; nPt++;
tFitSplineData.points[nPt] = 3.264351; nPt++;

//P4: -1.596874,-0.276042,3.260926
tFitSplineData.points[nPt] = -1.596874; nPt++; //4
tFitSplineData.points[nPt] = -0.276042; nPt++;
tFitSplineData.points[nPt] = 3.260926; nPt++;

// P5: -1.572996,-0.298280,3.269681
tFitSplineData.points[nPt] = -1.572996; nPt++;//5
tFitSplineData.points[nPt] = -0.298280; nPt++;
tFitSplineData.points[nPt] = 3.269681; nPt++;

//P6: -1.542036,-0.306016,3.282902
tFitSplineData.points[nPt] = -1.542036; nPt++;//6
tFitSplineData.points[nPt] = -0.306016; nPt++;
tFitSplineData.points[nPt] = 3.282902; nPt++;

//P7: -1.509833,-0.310289,3.298223
tFitSplineData.points[nPt] = -1.509833; nPt++;//7
tFitSplineData.points[nPt] = -0.310289; nPt++;
tFitSplineData.points[nPt] = 3.298223; nPt++;

// slope definition
tFitSplineData.slope_flag = 3; //
tFitSplineData.slopes = NULL;
tFitSplineData.slopes = (double*) malloc(6*sizeof(double));

// Create Fit Spline with the above structure filled
UF_CALL(UF_MODL_create_fitted_spline(&tFitSplineData, &dMaxErr, &nErrorCode, &l_tSplineCrv));

// Save part

// close part


catch(exception e)
cout<<"An error occured. Please see the file ErrorLog.txt to see details."<<endl;

FILE* fptr;
fptr = fopen("ErrorLog.txt","w");
fprintf(fptr,"An error occured\n");
catch(exception *e)
cout<<"An error occured. Please see the file ErrorLog.txt to see details "<<endl;

FILE* fptr;
fptr = fopen("ErrorLog.txt","w");
fprintf(fptr,"An error occured running MeshIC application\n");
