Debug NX Open apps with Teamcenter Integrated NX


How do I debug a Teamcenter integrated NX session with Visual Studio 2012.I tried passing the command line -pim=yes -u -p= as well.But its asking to set TC_ROOT or IMAN_ROOT.How do I proceed?

Thanks in advance,

I am currently having the same issues except with python. I use the run_journal command and get the error: "Need to have TC_ROOT/IMAN_ROOT defined to run Teamcenter Integration for NX"

Does anyone know what to set the environment variables (TC_ROOT\IMAN_ROOT) to? Any insight would be greatly appreciated!


While I haven't had to do this myself, based on what I see in UGAnswer articles TC_ROOT should be the top level folder where teamcenter is installed. It will have 'install' and 'portal' (and others) as subdirectories.


Thanks for the info! That helps me a ton! However, I thought teamcenter was integrated into NX with the NX installation, but I can't find the teamcenter install location. Am I mistaken on this?


Again my company's setup is likely different to yours, however I'm reasonably sure that the teamcenter install location will be different to NX (they both may be under a common Siemens parent folder). Have you got a local sys admin you can ask? Have you tried searching for a (local) folder named teamcenter?. Sorry I can't be of more help.
