Editing tabular note using spread sheet


Trying to edit tabular note using spread sheet. When I add object attribute to the tabular note by selecting cell and importing object attributes and editing the note using spread sheet I can see the formulas like =ugattr("PART", "MATERIAL",0). Here the part is PART itself and I was adding Material attribute. Now if I type the same formula into other cell its not working. Is it not possible to use the same formula in the spread sheet. Will it not take these formulas this way?


What version of NX?

I am using NX 7.5

Thank you,

I just tried it in NX 7.5. The spreadsheet cell showed a #VALUE error, but when I OK'd the edit, the value showed up correctly in the tabular note.

Thank you for the reply, It is still not working for me. I will take some time and try again. Thank you.

Thank you,

Rather than using the spreadsheet edit option and the "ugattr" function, right click a cell and choose "edit text". Open the "relationships" tab and choose the part attribute, object attribute, or expression that you want to reference. This process is cleaner and easier. Once you see the format for referencing an attribute, you can easily type it in the cell directly, if you wish.

Note that the attribute system got an overhaul in NX 8 and a different syntax is used in NX 8 and above.