Export components' properties to excel


I need to go through all of my components in an assembly, and I need to export some properties of the plates with the expression "thickness" to a spreadsheet. The spreadsheet would contain in the first column the thickness of the plate, let's say thickness "a", the second column would show the total weight of the plates with the thickness "a" and the third column the total area of the plates with thickness "a". Next row would show the data of the plates with the thickness "b" and so on. Do you know a good solution for this?
I'm using NX12.

Thanks in advance,




The links above are to make sure that I'm up to speed on what you are asking for. So far, it looks like:

  • "thickness", "weight", and "area" are all existing attributes
  • exporting the part navigator or parts list isn't desired
  • an automated solution is desired that searches for the "thickness" attribute on components and exports the information for those parts only

Any other requirements?

Yes, everything you wrote is correct. It's exactly what I would like to have.