exporting a table of results

Hi everyone

I have build a table in nx journal and I would like to export this table in a text file that I would use with matlab.
I know to methode in VBA that do what I want but it doesn't work in the journal. can someone help me with this " conversion "

this what I have in VBA :

Dim intFicBat As Integer
Dim FichierBat As Variant

intFicBat = FreeFile
‘ChDrive strDrive
‘ ChDir strDirectory

FichierBat = Application.GetSaveAsFilename(fileFilter:="Text Files (*.txt), *.txt")
‘FichierBat = strDirectory & "\Batch.bat"
Open FichierBat For Output As intFicBat
Print #intFicBat, strEcriture
Close intFicBat

the comment lines discribe the second methode

thanks for your help

I suggest the following article, especially the part about the .NET streamwriter.


thanks a lot, I have read this article weeks ago and I pass through this little sentence that I was missing

nice day