How to have Menuscript buttons call multiple NXOpen program in a single DLL

I have a question about the ACTION in NX menuscript. If you have a button, you can set the trigger so that it will activate an NXOpen program (dll or exe).

ex: ACTIONS test.dll

I would like to ask if it is also possible to have the button feed an input into the NXOpen program as well.

ex: ACTIONS test.dll -input

The reason I want to do that is that I like would to compile multiple NXOpen application into a single dll/exe file. The consequence of that is I will be calling the same dll from multiple location. So I need to find a way to let the computer know which function it is calling inside the NXOpen program.

Put double quotes around each argument and put them all in parentheses after the name of the dll file. Note that the first argument passed to the dll will be the button name; so in the example below "button name", "arg1", and "arg2" would be passed to the test.dll.
ACTIONS test(“arg1”, “arg2”)

thank you that was exactly what I was looking for.