Looping through NX.CAE Physical properties - PhysicalPropertyTableCollection

To all

I am trying to loop NX.CAE Physical properties but cannot make sense of the documentation. Neither using CAE.CaePart nor CAE.FemPart seems to work to call the PhysicalPropertyTableCollection. See test code below

Any ideas?


Dim theFEMPart As CAE.FemPart= CType(theSession.Parts.BaseWork, CAE.FemPart)
Dim theCAEPart As CAE.CaePart = CType(theFEMPart, CAE.CaePart)

Dim physicalPropTableCollec As CAE.PhysicalPropertyTableCollection = theCAEPart.PhysicalPropertyTableCollection
Dim listofproperties As CAE.PhysicalPropertyTable = physicalPropTableCollec.ToArray

For Each proptable As CAE.PhysicalPropertyTable In listofproperties
theLw.WriteLine("Name is: " & proptable.Name)
theLw.WriteLine("Label is: " & proptable.Label)
Next proptable

for info

Dim theCaePart As CAE.CaePart = CType(theSession.Parts.BaseWork, CAE.CaePart)
Dim physicalPropTableCollec As CAE.PhysicalPropertyTableCollection = theCaePart.PhysicalPropertyTables
Dim Listofproperties() As CAE.PhysicalPropertyTable = physicalPropTableCollec.ToArray

Dim sthepropname As String
Dim itheproplabel As Integer

For Each proptable As CAE.PhysicalPropertyTable In Listofproperties
sthepropname = proptable.Name
itheproplabel = proptable.Label

theLw.WriteLine("Name is: " & sthepropname)
theLw.WriteLine("Label is: " & itheproplabel.ToString)
