Need help with a Journal code

Hi everybody!
I'm doing a little program which runs another application but I have a problem with the compatibility of my code.
Let me explain:
First I have a "New user Command" button and inside it has the action to run a .dll file and that file runs well in my computer but if I try to do the same in another computer it shows an error it says "The file is not encode in a valid utf-8 and contains some characters that are not in the local character set", so I have to change the action of the button to the visual basic code path, and it works as well as the .dll works in my computer but If I try to run the visual basic code on my computer it shows an error that says "Error in external library. See system log for details file name: "url_of_the_visualbasic_code" Function name: ufusr", so the thing I want is just an only file that can run in all the computers and it doesn't have to change the type of file to run the journal.
this is my vb code:

Option Strict Off
Imports System
Imports NXOpen

Module Module1
Declare Sub MACRO_playback_from_usertool Lib "libugui" Alias "?MACRO_playback_from_usertool@@YAXPEBD@Z" (ByVal lpName As String)
Sub Main()
Dim myfile As String = "d:\users\212464629\exe\assambly.exe"
Dim procID As Integer
Dim newProc As Diagnostics.Process
Dim procEC As Integer = -1

newProc = Diagnostics.Process.Start(myfile)
procID = newProc.Id

If newProc.HasExited Then
procEC = newProc.ExitCode
End If
Dim enviroment As String = Environ("TEMP")
Dim _path As String = "" & enviroment & "\macro.macro"
MsgBox("El proceso con ID " & CStr(procID) & "ha terminado con el código de salida: " & CStr(procEC))
End Sub
End Module

I was looking with more attention on the options of the "edit action" window and I found the problem, in the top of the window there is a label that says "Type " next to it there is a combo-box which contains some options as Journal, Macro, Nx Open and so on. It said that if you want to run a .vb code you have to select journal option and if you have to run a .dll you should select NX Open.
So that was my mistake because I was choosing the incorrect option.