NX12 NXOpen Python:: Relative Assembly Position to WorkPart Position

I am currently working with the NXOpen Python API in NX12 and had a question about obtaining assembly versus work part position. In the part information window in the assembly file (right click on part --> properties --> information icon) a component translation and rotation variables appear with a delta position vector and (what I'm assuming to be) a delta rotation matrix.

I have two question regarding this topic: first, are my variable definitions correct? And lastly, if they are correct how would I obtain these values within NXOpen? I cannot find any properties or methods in the part, assembly, etc.. classes that would return these values for a specified part.

Thank you,

The component object has a .GetPosition method that will return the origin coordinates and 3x3 matrix (rotations). Have a look at:

Note: the answer above is in reference to the .net NXOpen API. The python API has some differences, but should be somewhat similar.