Parameter Feature

Hi Everyone,

I want to do a pretty easy stuff, but I can't find any solution:

I'd like to have in the part history a parameter, as a feature.
As a empty/dummy feature that has 1 or more parameters. Ideally I would like to have numbers and string, but I suppose could be possible just with numbers.

The reason is to maintain a logic sense of where the parameter is required, not going inside the "user expressions" every time, that's very chaotic.

Another similar idea is to assign parameter to a feature folder...

Do you have any suggestion about this topic?
Realise dummy feature (as a move feature) just to use its parameter seems not a very clean way...


There is something called a "user defined object" (UDO) that can hold information of your choosing. Also, in newer releases you can create your own features. One of these options might do what you want. Both options require compiled code, and therefore you will need an author license.

I am also very interested in UDO !!!
There are examples on GTAC, but it's not clear.

By the way, the Me MoldWizard interface uses UDOs in a component to generate the interface when editing a part.

It would have been possible to elaborate on this subject and to put an example in the tutorial section in this web site.
-Read a/all ODU in one component...with the type…(string...ect)
-Delete a UDO into a component
-Modify a UDO of type '' String '' in a component and other format
-Create a UDO type '' String '', and other format.

It would be nice to understand and to be able to record information in ODUs.

Thank you !


I'd like to learn more about UDO's myself. Unfortunately, I can't help in this regard as I do not have access to an author license at this time.

If someone has some sample code/explanation to share, I'd be glad to post it on the site.

We do not need the author license to modify a UDO
it's possible in jounal ... I get there in the journaling, but I do not have any knowledge or clear examples.
Thank toi!
