uc1613 API Function

I have tried to use the uc1613 API Function.
With below code I want to be able to change 2 string values. Unfortunately I get a strange Output.
For instance, if I Change the first string value on running code
the function should return the new string value with ca6(0). Strange is, that ca6(0) is empty and ca6(1) Returns the new string value. How can I output the Change of the second string value? Ca6(2) is not possible..
What is the meaning behind the ip7 value? Why can I Input a range of Integers, what is the difference?
Does anybody know this function and can help me?

getStrings2("abcd", "efgh")

Function getStrings2(ByVal string1 As String, string2 As String)
Dim cp1 As String = "Choose"
Dim cp2() As String = {string1, string2}
Dim ip3 As Integer = 2 'less or equal to 14
Dim ia4() As Integer = {0,0} 'Integer value
Dim ra5() As Double = {0,0} 'Double value
Dim ca6() As String = {"pt","ut"} 'String value
Dim ip7() As Integer = {300, 300}
Dim resp2 As Integer
resp2 = ufs.Ui.GetInputValues(cp1, cp2, ip3, ia4, ra5, ca6, ip7) 'uc1613
'ip7 = 100-199 - Indicates an integer value, which will be returned in ia4[]
'ip7 = 200-299 - Indicates a double value which will be returned in ra5[]
'ip7 = 300-399 - Indicates a character string value which will be returned in ca6[]
ufs.Ui.displayMessage("ca6(0)=" & ca6(0),1)
ufs.Ui.displayMessage("ca6(1)=" & ca6(1),1)
Return resp2
End Function

small code modification:
string_val1 = ca6(0)
string_val2 = ca6(1)
replaced by.
ufs.Ui.displayMessage("ca6(0)=" & ca6(0),1)
ufs.Ui.displayMessage("ca6(1)=" & ca6(1),1)

Sorry for the late reply, but did this solve your issue?

No, not yet. Do you have an example of this ug
input Dialog?

I copied your function into my test journal and it seems to work for me. What issue are you having?