UDO delete

I have a UDO attached to a part and I would like to delete it from my c# code. I am using the UDO to store additional data with the part but I cannot find a method in UserDefinedClassManager to call to remove the UDO when I don't need it anymore.
Any help greatly appreciated!

Option Strict Off
Imports NXOpen
Imports System
Imports System.Reflection
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Object
Imports System.Windows.Forms
'Imports System.Collections.Generics
Imports NXOpen.Drawings
Imports NXOpenUI
Imports NXOpen.UI
Imports NXOpen.UF
Imports NXOpen.Utilities
Imports NXOpen.UserDefinedObjects

Module report_all_udos_in_work_part
Dim theSession As Session = Session.GetSession()

Dim ufs As UFSession = Nothing
Dim theUI As UI = Nothing
Dim lw As ListingWindow = theSession.ListingWindow

Dim wp As Part = theSession.Parts.Work
Dim subUdo As UserDefinedObject = Nothing
Dim subClass As UserDefinedClass = Nothing

Sub Echo(ByVal output As String)
If Not lw.IsOpen() Then lw.Open()
End Sub

Sub Main()
Dim NULL_TAG As NXOpen.Tag = NXOpen.Tag.Null
Dim udo As Tag
Dim n_udos As Integer = 0


Catch ex As NXException
Echo("Caught Exception in Main: '" & ex.Message() & "'")
End Try

udo = Ask_Next_UDO(udo)
If udo = NULL_TAG Then
Echo(vbCrLf & "*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*")
Echo("NULL_TAG - No more udo types found.")
Exit Do
End If

Dim theUdo As UserDefinedObject = CType(NXObjectManager.Get(udo), UserDefinedObject)
Dim theUdoStrings As String() = theUdo.GetStrings()
Dim theUdoDoubles As Double() = theUdo.GetDoubles()
Dim theUdoIntegers As Integer() = theUdo.GetIntegers()

Echo(vbCrLf & "*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*")
Echo(vbCrLf & "UDO: " & theUdo.ToString())
Echo(" Tag: " & theUdo.Tag.ToString)
Echo(" Name: " & theUdo.Name)
Echo(" Class Name: " & theUdo.ClassName)
Echo(" Layer: " + theUdo.Layer.ToString())
Echo(" Status: " + theUdo.GetUserDefinedObjectStatus().ToString())
Dim sString As String
Dim sStringValue As Integer = 0

For Each sString In theUdoStrings
sStringValue = sStringValue + 1

If sStringValue >= 1 Then
Echo(" * * * * String * * * *")
End If

'D'abord, recherche parmis la liste "theUdoStrings" s'il y a un String qui contient "MATERIEL".
'Ensuite, s'il est trouvé, on remplace la valeur par "MATERIEL=TEST2".
'Aussi, on applique la valeur dans la liste "theUdoStrings" à la position (0).
'NB: avant d'appliquer la valeur, il faut savoir à qu'elle position le String se positionne.

Dim NoIndexItemRead As Integer = 0
Dim NoIndexItemReadList As Integer = -1
For Each sString In theUdoStrings
Dim sStringVal As String
'Dim RangItem As Integer = -1

NoIndexItemReadList = NoIndexItemReadList + 1

If sString.Contains("INVENTAIRE") Then
sStringVal = "INVENTAIRE=test"
theUdoStrings(NoIndexItemReadList) = sStringVal
NoIndexItemRead = NoIndexItemReadList + 1
Echo("***** Read List *****")
Echo("Item trouvé: " & sStringVal)
Echo("Rang Index Item: " & NoIndexItemReadList & " de " & sStringValue)
Echo("L'item est le No" & NoIndexItemRead & " dans la liste")

Dim itemindex As Int32 = Array.IndexOf(theUdoStrings, "INVENTAIRE=test")
Dim itemname As String = theUdoStrings(itemindex)
Echo("Item index: " & itemindex)
Echo("Item name: " & itemname)

End If
'Finalement, on repousse la liste "theUdoStrings" entièrement.


Dim NoIndexItemDelete As Integer = 0
Dim NoIndexItemDeleteList As Integer = -1
For Each sString In theUdoStrings

Dim StringToDelete As String = "MATERIEL"

NoIndexItemDeleteList = NoIndexItemDeleteList + 1

If sString.Contains(StringToDelete) Then
'udoToDelete = theUdoStrings(0)
Echo("***** Delete list *****")
Echo("Item trouvé: " & StringToDelete)
Echo("Rang Index Item: " & NoIndexItemReadList & " de " & sStringValue)
Echo("L'item est le No" & NoIndexItemRead & " dans la liste")
End If

Dim nbr_udoDelete As Integer = theSession.UpdateManager.GetDeleteList().Length
If nbr_udoDelete > 0 Then
Echo("Udo objects in delete list: " & nbr_udoDelete.ToString)
'Dim markId1 As Session.UndoMarkId
'markId1 = theSession.SetUndoMark(Session.MarkVisibility.Invisible, "Delete")
End If
Echo("Liste (original) :")
For Each sString In theUdoStrings

Echo(" UDO String stored: " & sString)
Dim sDouble As Double
Dim sDoubleValue As Integer = 0

For Each sDouble In theUdoDoubles
sDoubleValue = sDoubleValue + 1

If sDoubleValue >= 1 Then
Echo(" * * * * Double * * * *")
End If

For Each sDouble In theUdoDoubles
Echo(" UDO Double stored: " & sDouble.ToString())
Dim sInteger As Integer
Dim sIntegerValue As Integer = 0

For Each sInteger In theUdoDoubles
sIntegerValue = sIntegerValue + 1

If sIntegerValue >= 1 Then
Echo(" * * * * Integer * * * *")
End If

For Each sInteger In theUdoIntegers
Echo(" UDO Integer stored: " & sInteger.ToString())
Dim ii As Integer
Dim aI As NXObject.AttributeInformation() = theUdo.GetUserAttributes
'Dim aV As String() = theUdo.GetUserAttributesAsStrings()

For ii = 0 To aI.Length - 1
If aI(ii).Array Then
'Echo(" " + aI(ii).Title & "(" & aI(ii).ArrayElementIndex & ") = " & aV(ii) & " (" & aI(ii).Type.ToString() & ")")
Echo(" " + aI(ii).Title & "(" & aI(ii).ArrayElementIndex & ") = (" & aI(ii).Type.ToString() & ")")
'Echo(" " + aI(ii).Title & " = " & aV(ii) & " (" & aI(ii).Type.ToString() & ")")
Echo(" " + aI(ii).Title & " = (" & aI(ii).Type.ToString() & ")")
End If

sStringValue = 0
sDoubleValue = 0
sIntegerValue = 0

n_udos = n_udos + 1

Dim rang As Integer = 4
Dim testString As String
Dim tempTab As String() = DirectCast(theUdoStrings.Clone(), String())
Dim i As Integer

Echo("Liste (temporaire) :")
For i = 0 To theUdoStrings.Length '- 1
Echo(" Val: " & i)
If i = rang Then
theUdoStrings(i) = tempTab(i + 1)
End If

Echo("Liste (modifié) :")
For Each testString In tempTab
Echo(" UDO String stored TempTab: " & testString)


Loop Until udo = NULL_TAG

Echo(vbCrLf & "UserDefinedObjects in work part: " & n_udos.ToString)

End Sub

Public Function Ask_Next_UDO(ByRef udo As NXOpen.Tag) As NXOpen.Tag

Dim part As NXOpen.Tag = theSession.Parts.Work.Tag
ufs.Obj.CycleObjsInPart(part, UFConstants.UF_user_defined_object_type, udo)
Return udo

End Function

Public Function CreateUDO() As Integer

If theSession Is Nothing Then
theSession = Session.GetSession()
End If
If theUI Is Nothing Then
theUI = UI.GetUI()
End If
If ufs Is Nothing Then
ufs = NXOpen.UF.UFSession.GetUFSession()
End If

subClass = theSession.UserDefinedClassManager.CreateUserDefinedObjectClass("SUB600", "SUB600 Test Class")
UI.GetUI.SelectionManager.SetSelectionStatusOfUserDefinedClass(subClass, True)
subUdo = wp.UserDefinedObjectManager.CreateUserDefinedObject(subClass)
subUdo.SetName("SUB600-Name value")

Catch ex As NXException
Echo("Caught Exception in Main: '" & ex.Message() & "'")
End Try

CreateUDO = 1

End Function

Public Function GetUnloadOption(ByVal dummy As String) As Integer
Return Session.LibraryUnloadOption.Immediately
End Function

End Module


Thank you for your help I will go those methods a try

merci ça marche parfaitement