Can *.dlx be compiled

Does anyone know, if it should be possible to add the *.dlx file into a VB projekt ,and when the projekt
is builded , the *.dlx file is Integrated in the *.dll .

I have tried to add the *. dlx file into the projekt as "add existing item" ,(VB 2010) but it seems to ,that it is not Integrated in the *.dll.

The *. dlx is the menufile form NX Block styler.
I think it will be nice if it is attended to Work so.

Then should it not be nesseary to place the *.dlx file together with the *.dll file in the startup directory in NX.

(When I execute the *.dll file from NX , I get an error , that the application cant find the *.dlx file.
Of coures when I place the *.dlx file in the direcotry , it Works.=

regards a.l.

I don't think this is possible. A DLX file is just xml, so I don't see any way to embed it into the DLL.

If you use the SNAP API, there is a thing called a "BlockForm". This is s block-based dialog that's built programmatically, without using Block Styler, so there is no DLX file. See the "Getting Started with SNAP" guide for examples.