Idea for a new NX.CAE "macro" - Gathering ideas/thoughts/suggestions...

To all

While creating a simple FE Model I looked for an option to convert a 3D geometry into an equivalent point mass (a CONM2 if you are familiar with FE modelling). It seems there is no such option in NX9. So may mind drifted from the real work and I started thinking about a possible “macro” which would do all the manual steps one need to do set up such CONM2.

Before I pile into anything I’d like to share my thought and would welcome any suggestions/feedback/pointers

A 1st pass/top level scope could be:
From a GUI
1. Select geo (solid)
2. Specify mass target
3. Select attachment points (3 minimum?)

With data supplied (on the GUI)
1. Calculate volume of the geometry specified
2. Calculate dummy density required to meet mass target (rhodummy = masstarget/volume)
3. (re)-calculate geometry info with new density to get: CofG, Mass moment of inertias
4. Create 1 geo point at CofG calculated in s step #3
5. Create a CONM2 at the geo point from step #4 and allocate associated data (mass, etc) (may need to create a local co-ordinate system?)
6. Create an RBE3 attaching the geo point from 4/ to all the select attachment points

et voila...

Main issue I can see/think of
1. How does one access the mass info? No option seems to exist in NX.CAE to assess geo directly. Geo must be meshed
2. How does one get the orientation of co-ordinate system?

Can anyone think of any issue one may encounter?


Are you starting with a solid model which you then mesh and apply loads/constraints?
If so, you should be able to use the solid for the volume/mass calculations. I've not actually tried it yet, but I assume there would be some link back from the mesh to the solid body.

The idea was that everything was to be done/executed in the .fem (The "FEM Module"). It seems that there is no way of getting the mass, volume etc of a 'Polygone Body' if it's not meshed. The option 'the analysis/Measure Bodies' is only available in a .prt. Son one would need a dummy mesh 1st

Will park this request/question as I was pointed toward an existing tool
