Code examples with accompanying text that attempts to explain what the code is doing? Revolutionary! See for yourself.
New to programming with NX? You might want to start here:
Have lots of geometry to create? Don't wear out your mouse defining end points, let NX do the work.
Users can be such control freaks, right? Let them provide input, select objects, pick folders, etc. See how here:
Working with Expressions
Query existing expressions
Create new expressions
Introduction to using units
Create new expressions - now with units!
Working with collections
Query existing expressions Shows how to iterate through the expression collection.
Working with the feature collection Shows how to iterate through the feature collection and report some general information on each feature.
Processing multiple NX files
Process all the files in a given directory
Process all the components of an assembly
Export parasolid
Write information to a text file
Read from a text file Example journal that creates lines from coordinates in a text file.
Create a custom button in NX to launch your journal
Using VectorArithmetic.Vector3
Working with the WCS
Report the length of a tube feature
Sort a list of NX objects The list object is a great alternative to using an array. This tutorial shows how to sort a list of NX objects by the desired property. Need to sort a list of point objects by the X coordinate? No problem!