Engineer Meet NX Journaling

Journal is a powerful tool in NX/Unigraphics that allows common Engineering routines to be automated. This website is being designed for the Engineer with a modicum of programming knowledge who desires to create journals in NX/Unigraphics. We will rely predominately on the coding learned from Visual Basic to create our journals. If you are a complete novice to programming, you may find it best to grab an easy Visual Basic(VB) book from your local library and familiarize yourself with the basics code writing before attempting to create your own journals.

Part Family test code

The code below was written a while back while learning about querying part families with the NXOpen API. When run, the code below will look at the current work part and take one of several possible actions. No matter what, the code will report the current part family save directory.

If the work part is a family template, it will report such and attempt to list the members. If a member part is open in the current session, the journal will check to see if it is up to date. If the member is not up to date, the journal will attempt to update it.

Circular detail view border and label on parent

Have you ever needed to get the label or arc representing the detail view border from the parent view? Unfortunately, the detail view builder does not give you immediate access to these objects related to the detail view. Fortunately, they are not too difficult to track down. The following class will take either the detail view itself or the arc from the parent representing the view boundary and return the following information:

Journal Creation Process

In this article (or series of articles, depending on how it goes), I'd like to provide some insight on the journal creation process. Over the past few weeks, I've been cleaning up older NX files for import to Teamcenter. As such, I've written a few small utilities to help inspect and sometimes modify the older files. Rather than just posting the finished code, I'd like to take this opportunity to work through the journal creation process with you. It can be a bit intimidating starting a new journal project: Where to start? Is what I want to do even possible through the API?

Some journals to backup your files

Forum user isilter submitted the following journals; the following journals will create a "backup" folder in your current directory, create a backup file in this directory (with timestamp), and restore a backup file.

Thank you, isilter, for submitting your code!

Export part backup

'this journal
'is using Export Part command to export the open file
'to a "..\backup" folder with date and time stamp placed in its name
