Load Existing Clone Log and Execute Clone

I currently have a journal that will generate clone logs for new jobs. Is it possible to load an existing clone log and execute the clone through a journal? If so how could that be done though journal? I tried recording the journal but the recorder doesnt pick up any actions in the clone assembly creator. Any help would be appreciated.

I ended up adding this snippet to my existing code. I'm not quite sure on the naming failures, logfile failure, or the load status settings but they seem to work as of right now.

Dim cloner As NXOpen.UF.UFClone = theUFS.Clone

Dim opt As NXOpen.UF.UFClone.ExLogOpts
opt.allow_missing_components = False

Dim name As NXOpen.UF.UFClone.NamingFailures
name.n_failures = 0

Dim log As NXOpen.UF.UFClone.LogFileFailure
log.line_number = 0

Dim load As NXOpen.UF.UFPart.LoadStatus
load.failed = False

Dim cloneOutput As String
cloneOutput = (outputFolder & As_Num_Value & " Clone Log.clone")

cloner.LoadLogfile(cloneOutput, name, log, load)