Submitted by jcsw on Sat, 06/22/2013 - 09:08
Hi everyone,
Is it possible to add a simple hole to a drill geometry in a journal?
My code looks like this:
Dim featureGeometry1 as CAM.FeatureGeometry = CType(workpart.CAMSetup.camgroupcollection.findobject("DRILL_GEOM"), CAM.FeatureGeometry)
Dim drillGeomBuilder1 as CAM.DrillGeomBuilder
drillGeomBuilder1= workpart.CAMSetup.CAMGroupcollection.CreateDrillGeomBuilder(featureGeometry1)
I would be happy to have something like drillGeomBuilder1.AddPoint(tag) but I have found nothing using NXOpen API (camgeom) or .Net.
Thank you
version : NX7.5
re: drill geom
I don't know much about the CAM module, nor do I currently have access to a CAM license to try out any code; hopefully, someone else will stop by that knows the answer. If not, I'd suggest asking this question in the Siemens' NX Languages forum; you can find out more about it in the 'Resources' link (at left).
I also encountered this
I also encountered this problem. Did you solve?
Gool luck