
I want to catch the problem when there is no nx license available run the journal,
any ideas ?

I assume that you mean the journal may make use of a function for which the current user doesn't have a license. For instance, using CAM functions when the user only has a modeling license, correct?

If so, I'd try calling a basic function using that license wrapped in a Try block. If you get a "no license" error, set a flag to stop execution and warn the user. For example, try to create a sphere object to see if the user has a modeling license. If the sphere is created successfully, undo the operation and continue with the journal execution. If the sphere is not created successfully, halt execution and warn the user.

Forgot to mention: there is a LicenseManager class. I've not used it, so I'm not sure it will do what you need, but looks like it may be worth investigating further.