Read/Change reference set without opening component in assembly

I remember seeing a thread a long time ago, that I can't seem to find, regarding the modification of part attributes without opening the part. Not sure if the code was modifying the .prt file from a directory or unloaded parts in an assembly, but either would work.

We are trying to ensure that all components within an assembly are saved properly for future viewing. In order to do so, they should be set to a specific reference set(if they have it, otherwise they should be set to entire part), but having to load the components takes up a lot of memory and runtime. We are looking for a method to work around this, any help is greatly appreciated.

The reference set that you want to use when the assembly is opened can be specified in the assembly load options (file -> options -> assembly load options...). In the "reference sets" section of the dialog, there is a list of reference set options. I believe the order of the list determines which reference set is used. NX will attempt to use the ref set at the top of the list; if it does not exist, it will move to the next one in the list - repeat until it finds one that works. Simply add the name of your desired reference set and move it to the top of the list. Save your options as the default and optionally, put them in a network location so everyone is using the same assembly load options file.

Thank you for that, sometimes we get so wound up trying to automate process' that we forget to go back to basics like settings. That does exactly what we want it to and solves our time dilemma.

Nx 9 VB