SNAP Blockstyler Error


I have been getting the following error:

Unhandled exception encountered in call back automation code.

This seems to occur if I exit out of the dialog, re-enter the dialog, and then click either OK or apply. If I switch to the modeling application and back to the drafting application, the file will run with no errors.

The NX log shows:
&MACRO OK 0 0 ! OK Callback
*** EXCEPTION: Error code 3520041 in line 78 of D:\workdir\Reference\NX903_4\src\part\no\ind\jax_property_container.cxx at Thu May 28 10:23:43 2015 Eastern Daylight Time
+++ Property "BlockID" does not exist for block name ""

Any thought to what I did wrong?

The code:
'Program: qPlot
'Description: Quickly plot a bannered Checkplot with correctly scaled lineweights for NX9
'Creator: T. Mitchell
'Creation Date: 16DE14
'Version History: 16DE14 - Initial Program
' : 06JL15 - Changed from Registry stored plotter list to DSL Plotter File

Option Infer On
Imports Snap, Snap.Create
Imports NXOpen, NXOpen.UF
Imports System

Public Class qPlot : Inherits Snap.UI.BlockForm
Dim theSession As Session = Session.GetSession()
Dim theUfSession As UFSession = UFSession.GetUFSession()
Dim displayPart As Part = theSession.Parts.Display
Dim EV As String = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("UGII_TEMPLATE_DIR")
Dim plotterfile As String = EV & "\available_plotters"
Dim myStringElements As Integer = 0
Dim strPlotter(0) As String

' Declarations of the blocks on a qPlot dialog
Dim blkPlotter As Snap.UI.Block.Enumeration
Dim blkPaper As Snap.UI.Block.Enumeration

' Constructor for the qPlot dialog object
Public Sub New()
Me.Title = "qPlot" ' Text to be shown in title bar of dialog
Me.Cue = "Please select Plotter and Size" ' Text to be shown in cue line

' Create an Enumeration blocks (Plotter and Paper)
blkPlotter = New Snap.UI.Block.Enumeration()
blkPlotter.Label = "Please select a Plotter"
Dim ThisPlotter As String
Using sr As StreamReader = File.OpenText(plotterfile)
ThisPlotter = sr.ReadLine()
While Not ThisPlotter Is Nothing
ReDim Preserve strPlotter(myStringElements)
strPlotter(myStringElements) = ThisPlotter
myStringElements += 1
ThisPlotter = sr.ReadLine()
End While
End Using
blkPlotter.Items = strPlotter

blkPaper = New Snap.UI.Block.Enumeration()
blkPaper.Label = "Please Select A Plot Scale"
blkPaper.Items = {"Full (1:1)", "Half (2:1)", "Other (11in Roll)"}

' Add all the blocks to the BlockForm
Me.AddBlocks(blkPlotter, blkPaper) ', blkRefresh)

End Sub

Public Shared Sub Main()

' Create and display a qPlot dialog
Dim myForm = New qPlot()

End Sub

Public Overrides Sub OnShow()
' Code for when dialog is displayed
End Sub

Public Overrides Sub OnOK()
' Code for when user clicks OK
End Sub

Public Overrides Sub OnApply()
Catch ex As Exception
End Try

End Sub

Public Overrides Sub OnCancel()
' Code for when user clicks Cancel
End Sub

Public Overrides Sub OnUpdate(changedBlock As Snap.UI.Block.General)

If changedBlock = blkPlotter Then
ElseIf changedBlock = blkPaper Then
End If

End Sub

Public Sub PrepPlot()
Dim strPlotter As String = blkPlotter.SelectedItem
Dim intSelectedSize As Integer = blkPaper.SelectedIndex

Dim module_id As Integer = 0

' Get user name
Dim strUserName As String = ""
theUfSession.UF.TranslateVariable("USERNAME", strUserName)

' Get current date and time
Dim CurDateTime As NXOpen.UF.SystemInfo

' Get current Sheet
Dim tagSheet As Tag

' Get sheet dimensions
Dim dwgSheet As Drawings.DrawingSheet = displayPart.DrawingSheets().CurrentDrawingSheet

Dim dblSheetHeight As Double = dwgSheet.Height
Dim dblSheetLength As Double = dwgSheet.Length

Dim dblDistanceFromRight As Double
Dim dblUserOriginX As Double
Dim dblUserOriginY As Double

' Compute X Coordinates
If dblSheetLength > 1189 Then
dblDistanceFromRight = 330
dblUserOriginX = 101
dblDistanceFromRight = 230
dblUserOriginX = 1
End If

' Compute user Y coordinate
If dblSheetLength > 1 Then
dblUserOriginY = 1
dblUserOriginY = 0
End If

' Calculate user note location
Dim dblCheckPlotXOrigin As Double = (dblSheetLength - dblDistanceFromRight)

' Calculate user coordinates
Dim userX As Double = (dblSheetLength - dblUserOriginX)
Dim userY As Double = (dblSheetHeight - dblUserOriginY)

' Add the check plot notes
Dim strUser As String = CurDateTime.date_buf & " " & strUserName.ToUpper
Dim checkPlotNote As Annotations.Note = PlotBanner(dblCheckPlotXOrigin, 12.5, strCHKPlot, 7, 90)
Dim userPlotNote As Annotations.Note = PlotBanner(userX, userY, strUser, 3.5, 0)
Dim dbl11inScale As Double = 270 / dblSheetHeight
Dim dblPlotScale() As Double = {1, 0.5, dbl11inScale}

' Plot the Sheet
UFPlotSheet(tagSheet, dblPlotScale(intSelectedSize), strPlotter)

' Delete check plot note
Dim DelMark As Session.UndoMarkId = theSession.SetUndoMark(Session.MarkVisibility.Visible, "Delete Notes")

Dim Note1 As NXObject = CType(checkPlotNote, NXObject)
Dim Note2 As NXObject = CType(userPlotNote, NXObject)

End Sub

Public Sub UFPlotSheet(ByVal sheet As Tag, plotscale As Double, strSelPlotter As String)

' Set Plot Job Variables
Dim myJobOptions As UFPlot.JobOptions
myJobOptions.colors = UFPlot.Colors.BlackOnWhite
myJobOptions.use_drawing_sheet_widths = False
myJobOptions.widths = UFPlot.Widths.Custom3Widths

Dim jobName As String
theUfSession.Plot.AskDefaultJobName(sheet, jobName)

Dim jobUnits As UFPlot.Units = UFPlot.Units.Millimeters

Dim jobOrigin() As Double = {0, 0, 0}

Dim jobBannerOptions As UFPlot.BannerOptions

' Remove defaulted on banner text
jobBannerOptions.show_banner = False

' Find the default custom pen widths
Dim jobDefaultWidths As UFCgm.CustomWidths
jobDefaultWidths.use = UFCgm.WidthUse.WidthByWidth
jobDefaultWidths.units = UFConstants.UF_PART_METRIC

' Variable to hold new custom pen widths
Dim CustomWidths() As UFCgm.WidthCustom = jobDefaultWidths.custom
Dim intNumberOfWidths As Integer = CustomWidths.Length

For i = 0 To intNumberOfWidths - 1
CustomWidths(i).Width = CustomWidths(i).Width * plotscale

jobDefaultWidths.custom = CustomWidths
' Actually set Pen widths!!!

Dim jobExtents As UFPlot.Extents

' Add layout to Plot
theUfSession.Plot.AddJobToPlotLayout(sheet, myJobOptions, jobName, jobUnits, jobOrigin, UFPlot.Rotation.Rotation0, plotscale, jobExtents)

' Plot
theUfSession.Plot.PrintPlotLayout(jobName, jobBannerOptions, strSelPlotter, "", 1)

' Set widths back to default
Dim SetDefaultWidths As UFCgm.CustomWidths
SetDefaultWidths.use = UFCgm.WidthUse.WidthByWidth
SetDefaultWidths.units = UFConstants.UF_PART_METRIC
Dim DefaultWidths() As UFCgm.WidthCustom = SetDefaultWidths.custom
SetDefaultWidths.custom = DefaultWidths
' Actually set pen widths!!!

End Sub

Public Function PlotBanner(ByVal userX As Double, _
ByVal userY As Double, _
ByVal BannerText As String, _
ByVal fontheight As Double, _
ByVal bannerangle As Double) As Annotations.Note

Dim nullAnnotations_SimpleDraftingAid As Annotations.SimpleDraftingAid = Nothing

Dim UserNoteBuilder1 As Annotations.DraftingNoteBuilder
UserNoteBuilder1 = displayPart.Annotations.CreateDraftingNoteBuilder(nullAnnotations_SimpleDraftingAid)
UserNoteBuilder1.Origin.Plane.PlaneMethod = Annotations.PlaneBuilder.PlaneMethodType.XyPlane
If fontheight = 7 Then
UserNoteBuilder1.Origin.Anchor = Annotations.OriginBuilder.AlignmentPosition.BottomLeft
Dim fontIndex2 As Integer
fontIndex2 = displayPart.Fonts.AddFont("lubalins")
UserNoteBuilder1.Style.LetteringStyle.GeneralTextFont = fontIndex2
UserNoteBuilder1.Origin.Anchor = Annotations.OriginBuilder.AlignmentPosition.TopRight
End If

Dim nullView As View = Nothing
Dim notepoint As Point3d = New Point3d(userX, userY, 0.0)
UserNoteBuilder1.Origin.Origin.SetValue(Nothing, nullView, notepoint)
UserNoteBuilder1.Style.LetteringStyle.Angle = bannerangle
UserNoteBuilder1.Style.LetteringStyle.GeneralTextSize = fontheight
Dim text1(0) As String
text1(0) = BannerText

Dim BannerObject As Annotations.Note
BannerObject = UserNoteBuilder1.Commit()

Return BannerObject
End Function

End Class