Visual Studio 2015


I am new to programming applications in NXopen.
Is it possible to use visual studio 2015 to write journals?
How do I implement the NXOpen namespace in VS2015?
I was trying to impelement Visual Studio Application Wizard as described in the Siemens documentation but the wizard is not working, it fails in creating a new project.
What is the best way to start writing journals in VS2015?

Thanks in advance!

First, it should be said, that if you are compiling your code to .dll or .exe, Siemens recommends using a specific version of Visual Studio for the version of NX that you are writing code for. This information can usually be found in the NX release notes (programming section). This will be the version of Visual Studio that they tested to work with NX and it has their support. This isn't to say that other compilers will not work, but if you run into a problem, GTAC will probably request that you use the recommended version.

However, if you are running the code as a journal (i.e. you are NOT compiling the code to .dll or .exe), the compiler caveat does not apply to you. Currently, I write journal code using Visual Studio 2015 for NX 8.5, 9, and 10 with no problems. The "wizards" supplied with NX will not work with the free version of Visual Studio (at least they have not since VS 2010). I would suggest making your own template project and adding the references to the NX dll files and saving it for future use. GTAC has created some template projects for your convenience; they can be found at the following link (GTAC login required):