Submitted by kjbentley on Thu, 05/18/2017 - 06:54
I have a custom hole table with sketch points that I use to place my holes. I can then then name those through properties. Once I go over to drafting I can populate a custom tabular note with excel and an excel template to update my values.
The only thing that is manual is I have to type in each one of my hole numbers in note and place it next to the hole.
Is there any journal or vb written to accomplish this??? Thanks for all the help.
re: hole table callout
Pat recently posted some code that collects all the points in the file and creates a point location table and labels the points with the ID number. Here is a link to the code:
It sounds similar to what you want to do. Perhaps you can make use of some of the code (particularly the "AddNoteToPoint" function) as a starting point for what you need.
One other question
That looks great and I really appreciate your time.
Is there a way to add another column with a hole callout to the associated points?