Submitted by bobcandy on Mon, 07/23/2018 - 22:22
I am unable to write a code in VB.NET to execute "Auto Balloon" command.
As this function is not supported to be recorded as journal kindly direct me how to achieve "Auto Balloon" using VB.NET.
re: AutoBalloon
You'll want to use the Parts list .AddObject method; the function will autoballoon the drafting view that you pass to it.
theUfSession.Plist.AddObject(Plist.Tag, FALSE, DraftingView.Tag)
Works like a charm
Tried the same query in GTAC. Those guys have sent me a cart full of C++ code.
You guys are awesome.
C++ Codes
Even I'm trying generate auto balloon.The code which you got from GTAC, Can you share with me please.
Thank you.