Construction Objects Visibility

Hello guys,

This simple tool offers an intuitive way to manage the visibility of various construction objects, such as Sketches, Curves, Datums, Routing, Assembly Constraints, and Layers. It provides distinct settings to control which objects should be visible and which should be hidden. The configuration settings are easily customizable, allowing for a tailored experience that meets your specific needs. If you need something specific, just record your actions, and you will see the relevant lines to replace or add.

Main thread:

' Written by Tamas Woller - 17 June 2024, V100
' Journal desciption: Changes the states of Sketches, Curves, Datums, Routing, Assembly constraints and Layer Groups A and B - Visible or Hidden
' Shared on
' Written in VB.Net
' Tested on Siemens NX 2212 and 2306, Native and Teamcenter 13
' ChangeLog:
' V100 - Initial Release - June 2024

Imports System
Imports NXOpen

Module NXJournal
Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)
Dim theSession As NXOpen.Session = NXOpen.Session.GetSession()
Dim workPart As NXOpen.Part = theSession.Parts.Work
Dim displayPart As NXOpen.Part = theSession.Parts.Display
Dim lw As ListingWindow = theSession.ListingWindow

' Configuration Settings:
' Define a list of layer numbers to hide them
Dim HideLayersAGroup As Boolean = True
Dim layerNumbersAGroup As Integer() = {15, 19} ' Add or remove layer numbers as needed, separate with coma or leave it empty - {}
Dim layerStateAGroup As NXOpen.Layer.State = NXOpen.Layer.State.Hidden

' Define a list of layer numbers to make them visible
Dim ShowLayersBGroup As Boolean = True
Dim layerNumbersBGroup As Integer() = {17, 21, 79} ' Add or remove layer numbers as needed, separate with coma or leave it empty - {}
Dim layerStateBGroup As NXOpen.Layer.State = NXOpen.Layer.State.Visible

' These can be set to "Show", "Hide", or an empty string - "" to ignore
Dim SketchesState As String = "Hide"
Dim CurvesState As String = "Hide"
Dim DatumsState As String = "Hide"
Dim RoutingState As String = "Hide"
Dim AssemblyConstraintsState As String = "Hide"

' Create a starting mark for undo
Dim markId1 As NXOpen.Session.UndoMarkId
markId1 = theSession.SetUndoMark(NXOpen.Session.MarkVisibility.Visible, "Construction Visibility Change")

If HideLayersAGroup then
' Determine the highest layer number in AGroup for array dimensioning
Dim maxLayerNumberAGroup As Integer = 0
For Each numberAGroup As Integer In layerNumbersAGroup
If numberAGroup > maxLayerNumberAGroup Then
maxLayerNumberAGroup = numberAGroup
End If

' Define layer visibility state array with an extra slot for the highest index
Dim stateArray(maxLayerNumberAGroup + 1) As NXOpen.Layer.StateInfo

' Set the visibility state for each specified layer
For Each layerNumberAGroup As Integer In layerNumbersAGroup
stateArray(layerNumberAGroup) = New NXOpen.Layer.StateInfo(layerNumberAGroup, layerStateAGroup)

' Apply the visibility settings to the specified layers
displayPart.Layers.SetObjectsVisibilityOnLayer(displayPart.ModelingViews.WorkView, stateArray, True)
End If

If ShowLayersBGroup then
' Determine the highest layer number in BGroup for array dimensioning
Dim maxLayerNumberBGroup As Integer = 0
For Each numberBGroup As Integer In layerNumbersBGroup
If numberBGroup > maxLayerNumberBGroup Then
maxLayerNumberBGroup = numberBGroup
End If

' Define layer visibility state array with an extra slot for the highest index
Dim stateArray(maxLayerNumberBGroup + 1) As NXOpen.Layer.StateInfo

' Set the visibility state for each specified layer
For Each layerNumberBGroup As Integer In layerNumbersBGroup
stateArray(layerNumberBGroup) = New NXOpen.Layer.StateInfo(layerNumberBGroup, layerStateBGroup)

' Apply the visibility settings to the specified layers
displayPart.Layers.SetObjectsVisibilityOnLayer(displayPart.ModelingViews.WorkView, stateArray, True)
End If


Dim numberHidden1 As Integer = Nothing
If SketchesState = "Hide" Then
numberHidden1 = theSession.DisplayManager.HideByType("SHOW_HIDE_TYPE_SKETCHES", NXOpen.DisplayManager.ShowHideScope.AnyInAssembly)
ElseIf SketchesState = "Show" Then
numberHidden1 = theSession.DisplayManager.ShowByType("SHOW_HIDE_TYPE_SKETCHES", NXOpen.DisplayManager.ShowHideScope.AnyInAssembly)
ElseIf SketchesState = String.Empty Then
lw.WriteLine("Whoops! Looks like you've stumbled into the wrong time portal. Please choose 'Show', 'Hide', or just leave it blank. I'll be back with the right settings!")
End If

Dim numberHidden2 As Integer = Nothing
If CurvesState = "Hide" Then
numberHidden2 = theSession.DisplayManager.HideByType("SHOW_HIDE_TYPE_CURVES", NXOpen.DisplayManager.ShowHideScope.AnyInAssembly)
ElseIf CurvesState = "Show" Then
numberHidden2 = theSession.DisplayManager.ShowByType("SHOW_HIDE_TYPE_CURVES", NXOpen.DisplayManager.ShowHideScope.AnyInAssembly)
ElseIf CurvesState = String.Empty Then
lw.WriteLine("Whoa there, friend! Looks like you've thrown a wrench in the gears. CurvesState should either 'Show' itself, 'Hide' away, or vanish like a ghost. No room for rogue T-1000 values here!")
End If

Dim numberHidden3 As Integer = Nothing
If DatumsState = "Hide" Then
numberHidden3 = theSession.DisplayManager.HideByType("SHOW_HIDE_TYPE_DATUMS", NXOpen.DisplayManager.ShowHideScope.AnyInAssembly)
ElseIf DatumsState = "Show" Then
numberHidden3 = theSession.DisplayManager.ShowByType("SHOW_HIDE_TYPE_DATUMS", NXOpen.DisplayManager.ShowHideScope.AnyInAssembly)
ElseIf DatumsState = String.Empty Then
lw.WriteLine("Whoops! Looks like you're giving me the ol' T-800 treatment with that value. I need 'Show', 'Hide', or just nothing at all — no time travel shenanigans allowed here!")
End If

Dim numberHidden4 As Integer = Nothing
If RoutingState = "Hide" Then
numberHidden4 = theSession.DisplayManager.HideByType("SHOW_HIDE_TYPE_ROUTING_ALL", NXOpen.DisplayManager.ShowHideScope.AnyInAssembly)
ElseIf RoutingState = "Show" Then
numberHidden4 = theSession.DisplayManager.ShowByType("SHOW_HIDE_TYPE_ROUTING_ALL", NXOpen.DisplayManager.ShowHideScope.AnyInAssembly)
ElseIf RoutingState = String.Empty Then
lw.WriteLine("Whoops! Looks like you've wandered into the wrong timeline! RoutingState must be 'Show', 'Hide', or just vanish like a Terminator into thin air.")
End If

Dim numberHidden5 As Integer = Nothing
If AssemblyConstraintsState = "Hide" Then
numberHidden5 = theSession.DisplayManager.HideByType("SHOW_HIDE_TYPE_ASSEMBLY_CONSTRAINTS", NXOpen.DisplayManager.ShowHideScope.AnyInAssembly)
ElseIf AssemblyConstraintsState = "Show" Then
numberHidden5 = theSession.DisplayManager.ShowByType("SHOW_HIDE_TYPE_ASSEMBLY_CONSTRAINTS", NXOpen.DisplayManager.ShowHideScope.AnyInAssembly)
ElseIf AssemblyConstraintsState = String.Empty Then
lw.WriteLine("I'll be back... but only if AssemblyConstraintsState is 'Show', 'Hide', or an empty string. Otherwise, consider this terminated!")
End If

' Fit view

' Clean up faceted faces and edges, if necessary
' Set final undo mark
theSession.SetUndoMarkName(markId1, "Construction Visibility Change")
End Sub
End Module