Disabling NX warning message(s) to run a macro-How to?

To all

Is there a way of disabling NX warning messages popping-up during the run of a macro? After some "digging" I have found the following in the documentation;

Returns or sets the option "Display Alerts on Warnings" gives choice, whether the user wants the Diagnostic alerts appear when features contain warnings during feature creation, edit, and update.

My test failed with the following error message:
References to a non-shared member requires an object reference

Any idea what this mean, and more importantly if this the keyword I am looking for, how to fix it?




To all

From an official source on my query. I quote verbatim


The DisplayAlertsOnWarnings property only pertains to Modeling features:

“Returns or sets the option "Display Alerts on Warnings" gives choice, whether the user wants the Diagnostic alerts appear when features contain warnings during feature creation, edit, and update.”

There is no way to globally suppress warnings like the ones shown in the image. I have been told that the intent is that these should not be displayed while a journal/.dll is executing. If they are, that it is because a developer implemented the warning outside of the standard framework. Examples such as this should be PR’d so that the warning dialog will not be displayed during NX Open execution.



