To all
I am trying to understand accessing result and need some expert advice
In the NX examples I have found an example of a function returning a CAE.ResultAccess, see below, for a given Load case ID and iteration ID
Function GetResultAccess(ByRef results As CAE.Result, _
ByVal loadCaseIdx As Integer, _
ByVal iterationIdx As Integer, _
ByVal scale As Double) As CAE.ResultAccess
I think I have managed to access the Load case ID and iteration ID for my test
I now want to access the actual/a specific result i.e. the stress value for a given element (or nodes). Taking the node as an example, in the doc I found the following;
AskNodalResult(Int32) - Ask current component value at a specified node index
AskNodalResult(Int32[]) - Ask current component value at a specified node indices
Q1:- What is the difference between index and indice? option 2 seems to take an array (integer() ) and return an array (double())
At this moment in time I only want to deal with VonMises Stress
Q2: How does one specify/set the desired result component?
In the doc I see AskResultComponents(Result.Component[]) but I am not sure how to use it
To summarize:
I have an Load ID, an iteration ID, a list of element (defined as follows Dim arrFEElmInGroupTarget() As CAE.FEElement and want to create either a list of VonMises Stress for each element or a list of VonMises Stress for each nodes (attached to the element in the list of element)
Any help would be greatly appreciated