Prompt msg in a NXInputBox not fully visible - How to fix it?

To all
I am using the NXInputBox capability to get the user’s choice. The sentence used for the question (the “prompt”) is not fitting on 1 line and the 2nd part is partially hidden between the 1st part and the input box. Is there a way of making the “prompt” fully visible?




Dim answer As String = ""
'Answer = 1 = Delete all bDeleteEmptyMesh = True
'Answer = 2 = Do NOT Delete bDeleteEmptyMesh = False
answer = NXInputBox.GetInputString("Delete All Empty Mesh Collectors if found?" 1=Yes,2=No","Delete Empty Mesh Collector", "1")
'if cancel is pressed, then exit sub
If answer = "" Then
theLW.WriteLine ("End of macro...")
Exit sub
End if
Loop Until answer = 1 or answer = 2

Perhaps for yes/no input, a message box would be more appropriate:

response = theUISession.NXMessageBox.Show("Delete Empty Mesh Collector", NXMessageBox.DialogType.Question, "Delete All Empty Mesh Collectors if found?")
'response = 1 = Yes
'response = 2 = No

Thanks for that idea/suggestion. It makes more sense since I have only 2 choices!
