In these days I'm trying to automatize the creation of an arc/circle which is 3-tangent to three known curves (in my case two splines and one arc).
Recording the journal I notice that the arc is created with the 3 points method and these 3 points are the tangent ones (or intersection) between curve and tangent arc.
The problem is that I don't know the coordinates of the 3 points where I have the tangent constaints.
In fact, when creating the arc manually, I select only the 3 objects without knowing where will be the tangent constaints. When I select the last curve, then I can see the preview of the arc which is 3-tangent.
See example image here: http://i67.tinypic.com/245j589.png
Is there a way to make this command work?
Thank you in advance,
re: three tangent
I'm pretty sure that the points you pass in to the arc builder just need to be somewhat close. I think that they are used to help calculate the result. That said, I'd try passing in the mid point on each of the three curves. Something like the following (the journal won't run for you as-is because it is tied to the objects in my test file, but you can see how the mid-point of the curve is found).
Option Strict Off
Imports System
Imports NXOpen
Module NXJournal
Sub Main (ByVal args() As String)
Dim theSession As Session = Session.GetSession()
Dim workPart As Part = theSession.Parts.Work
Dim displayPart As Part = theSession.Parts.Display
' ----------------------------------------------
' Menu: Insert->Curve->Lines and Arcs->Arc Tangent-Tangent-Tangent...
' ----------------------------------------------
Dim markId1 As Session.UndoMarkId
markId1 = theSession.SetUndoMark(Session.MarkVisibility.Visible, "Arc Tangent-Tangent-Tangent")
Dim nullFeatures_AssociativeArc As Features.AssociativeArc = Nothing
Dim associativeArcBuilder1 As Features.AssociativeArcBuilder
associativeArcBuilder1 = workPart.BaseFeatures.CreateAssociativeArcBuilder(nullFeatures_AssociativeArc)
associativeArcBuilder1.Limits.StartLimit.LimitOption = GeometricUtilities.CurveExtendData.LimitOptions.AtPoint
associativeArcBuilder1.Limits.EndLimit.LimitOption = GeometricUtilities.CurveExtendData.LimitOptions.AtPoint
associativeArcBuilder1.StartPointOptions = Features.AssociativeArcBuilder.StartOption.Tangent
Dim studioSpline1 As Features.StudioSpline = CType(workPart.Features.FindObject("SPLINE(1)"), Features.StudioSpline)
Dim spline1 As Spline = CType(studioSpline1.FindObject("CURVE 1"), Spline)
associativeArcBuilder1.StartTangent.Value = spline1
associativeArcBuilder1.EndPointOptions = Features.AssociativeArcBuilder.EndOption.Tangent
Dim studioSpline2 As Features.StudioSpline = CType(workPart.Features.FindObject("SPLINE(2)"), Features.StudioSpline)
Dim spline2 As Spline = CType(studioSpline2.FindObject("CURVE 1"), Spline)
associativeArcBuilder1.EndTangent.Value = spline2
associativeArcBuilder1.MidPointOptions = Features.AssociativeArcBuilder.MidOption.Tangent
associativeArcBuilder1.Limits.FullCircle = False
associativeArcBuilder1.Type = Features.AssociativeArcBuilder.Types.ThreePointArc
Dim arc1 As Arc = CType(workPart.Arcs.FindObject("ENTITY 5 1 1"), Arc)
associativeArcBuilder1.MidTangent.Value = arc1
Dim nullView As View = Nothing
Dim scalar1 As Scalar
scalar1 = workPart.Scalars.CreateScalar(50.0, Scalar.DimensionalityType.None, SmartObject.UpdateOption.AfterModeling)
Dim point1 As Point
point1 = workPart.Points.CreatePoint(spline1, scalar1, PointCollection.PointOnCurveLocationOption.PercentParameter, SmartObject.UpdateOption.AfterModeling)
associativeArcBuilder1.StartTangent.SetValue(spline1, nullView, point1.Coordinates)
Dim scalar2 As Scalar
scalar2 = workPart.Scalars.CreateScalar(50.0, Scalar.DimensionalityType.None, SmartObject.UpdateOption.AfterModeling)
Dim point2 As Point
point2 = workPart.Points.CreatePoint(spline2, scalar2, PointCollection.PointOnCurveLocationOption.PercentParameter, SmartObject.UpdateOption.AfterModeling)
associativeArcBuilder1.EndTangent.SetValue(spline2, nullView, point2.Coordinates)
Dim scalar3 As Scalar
scalar3 = workPart.Scalars.CreateScalar(50.0, Scalar.DimensionalityType.None, SmartObject.UpdateOption.AfterModeling)
Dim point3 As Point
point3 = workPart.Points.CreatePoint(arc1, scalar3, PointCollection.PointOnCurveLocationOption.PercentParameter, SmartObject.UpdateOption.AfterModeling)
associativeArcBuilder1.MidTangent.SetValue(arc1, nullView, point3.Coordinates)
associativeArcBuilder1.ZonePoint = point3.Coordinates
associativeArcBuilder1.Associative = True
Dim nXObject1 As NXObject
nXObject1 = associativeArcBuilder1.Commit()
End Sub
End Module
I confirm!
Thank you for the advice!
I am trying different points (close to the end point of the curves, middle points, close to start point of the curves) and the creation of the circle is correctly done.
Best regards and congratulation for this Forum!