Problem with Imports System.Windows.Forms

Hi, I have made some journals which are using Windows Forms
and up to now they worked very well.
I believe I have had an automatically update which installed
a new Version of the Microsoft .Net Framework (> Version now is: 4.6.1).
I'm using NX9.0.3.4.
Since this Installation I'll get an error message: 'Forms' is not a member of 'Windows'.
Can anybody help me with this?

I've run into the same problem on a few occasions. If you are using an IDE, make sure that the project has a reference to System.Windows.Forms. One of my projects somehow lost that reference and re-adding it was all it took to fix it. However, on another project, the same "fix" didn't help and I ended up fully qualifying all the references to the form objects.

Thanks for your comment!
Do you know how can I connect my Project to System.Windows.Forms?
Is there a way to make a setting in UG?
I use Notepad++ as .vb Editor. The start of the journals I do inside
UG with Tools/Journal/Play..

Notepad++ is a great tool, unfortunately, it does not manage references in the way that I was describing above. In your case (working solely with Notepad++), I would suggest trying to use fully qualified references. So instead of using something like:


Thanks! That worked :)