Exporting STL files


Can someone please tell me if journals support exporting models as STL file.


Below is the subroutine I've been using.

Sub ExportSTL(ByVal FileName As String, ByVal myObject As NXObject)

Dim NumErrors, ObjType, ObjSubType As Integer
Dim FileHandle As IntPtr
Dim InfoError() As UFStd.StlError
Dim Header, FileBaseName As String
Dim Facets(0), Negated() As Tag

Negated = Nothing
InfoError = Nothing
FileBaseName = Path.GetFileName(FileName)
Header = "Header: " & FileBaseName

theUFSession.Std.OpenBinaryStlFile(FileName, False, Header, FileHandle)

theUFSession.Ui.SetPrompt("Creating file ... " & FileBaseName & " ...")

theUFSession.Obj.AskTypeAndSubtype(myObject.Tag, ObjType, ObjSubType)

If ObjType = UFConstants.UF_solid_type Then
theUFSession.Std.PutSolidInStlFile(FileHandle, Tag.Null, myObject.Tag, 0.0, 0.0, 0.003, NumErrors, InfoError)
End If


theUFSession.Ui.SetStatus("File ... " & FileBaseName & " generated ...")

End Sub

I am a newbie to NX Journaling and this forum has helped me to take baby steps in NX Automation. I found this site very useful and Informative. A Big Thanks to the Contributors for their valuable Suggestions and Contributions. I went through the Code for Exporting Solids to STL, but I wish to have sheet Bodies also to be exported to STL format. I Tried Using theUfSession.Std.PutSheetsInStlFile(---Arguments--),and trying to extract the face information for the particular sheetBodies, but in vain. I am getting a lot of namespace issues and errors. Request anyone to modify the code for exporting sheetbodies also.
