NXHelper library for NXOpen

When i started programming application extensions with NX Open, i quickly noticed that many simple methods were missing. i have developed and published a small library that provides a few of these functions. the developers among you are welcome to submit new methods or improvements via pull request. I haven't been working with the NX Open API that long myself, but I hope that I can make work easier for a few people with the provided classes


a few example functions of the library:

public static bool RefsetExist(Part workpart, string refSetName)
List refsetList = workpart.
GetAllReferenceSets().Where(x => x.Name.Equals(refSetName)).ToList();
bool refsetExist = refsetList.Count > 0 ? true : false;
return refsetExist;

public static ReferenceSet GetReferenceSet(Part workpart, string refSetName)
List refsetList = workpart.
GetAllReferenceSets().Where(x => x.Name.Equals(refSetName)).ToList();
return refsetList.First();

public static List GetSolidBodiesFromRefset(Part workpart, ReferenceSet refset)
List solidBodies = new List();
List objList = refset.AskAllDirectMembers().ToList();
foreach(NXObject obj in objList)
Body body = TryConvertNxObjectToBody(obj);
if(body != null && body.IsSolidBody)

return solidBodies;

Looks good, thanks for posting a link!