Capture a region of the graphics window

does somebody know if NX Open provides a NX dialog for capturing a rectangular region in the graphics windows (For creating a screenshot)?
Thanks Wolfgang

It looks like the "ImageExportBuilder" has options to specify a region of the graphics window for capture. Unfortunately, I don't have any code examples of doing that. There is a sample on the Siemens support site, but it takes a full screen capture - not a region.

Thanks for the reply, yes I also had this code but I'm missing a solution for creating a capture of a region. Is there any other selecting routine or dialog in NX, I think of having something like the Ui.SelectWithClassDialog which allows to select with a rectangle, the return values ​​should resemble the 3D information of a cursor point, not just for one point, for four points to define the drawn rectangle. Thanks for any ideas.