How to get the solver and analysis type associated with a Fem

I am looking for a method to get the solver and analysis type for the solver environment set in Fem, but I cannot find it.
I have found methods for [SolverName] and [LanguageName] that retrieve the solver name and analysis type associated with NamedPropertyTable.
However, this does not allow me to respond when I reference a mesh collector that has no properties assigned to it.
So I would like to directly get the Solver and analysis type set in Fem. Does anyone know how to do this?

Please, please, please, please;(

the baseFemPart class has a method GetSolverAndAnalysisType() that returns the name of the solver and the type of analysis. e.g. ("NX NASTRAN", "Structural").
Check NXOpen.CAE.BaseFemPart.GetSolverAndAnalysisType in the NXOpen documentation