Submitted by dwang953 on Tue, 06/16/2015 - 11:29
I am trying to change the font size, style, and color for the appended text of dimensions in my drawing, but I can't seem to find the option for appended texts. If appended texts inherit from texts, how can I go about changing the size, style, and color?
Dim newBeforeText(0) As String
Dim appendedText As Annotations.AppendedText = myDimension.GetAppendedText
newBeforeText(0) = "(" & counter.ToString & ")"
re: font options
What version of NX?
Try recording a journal and changing the appended text options to see what code is returned.
I'm running NX 8.5
I'm running NX 8.5
re: appended text settings
The journal recorder coverage is pretty good in NX 8.5, a recorded journal should give you a good starting point.