Creating zones in Drawing sheet and highligting

Hi, I am beginner to NX journalling, but i want to create a too which can highlight specific zone in the drawing sheet for eg. zone A1 in the drawing sheet of A0 is extreme bottom left corner.
so I have already created a tool which will create the box in the zone A1 and change its colour and then get deleted. but..
this execution is done so fast that i cannot see the block(rectangle made with sketch entities).
is their any way to delay the execution of command by certain time.

Here is the code which i have created.

' NX
' Journal created by ravneet.bhengura on Tue July 14 11:05:28 2015 India Standard Time
Option Strict Off
Imports System
Imports NXOpen

Module NXJournal
Sub Main (ByVal args() As String)

Dim theSession As Session = Session.GetSession()
Dim workPart As Part = theSession.Parts.Work

Dim displayPart As Part = theSession.Parts.Display

Dim x1 As Point3d = New Point3d(20.0, 10.0, 0.0)
Dim x2 As Point3d = New Point3d(68.291, 10.0, 0.0)
Dim x3 As Point3d = New Point3d(68.291, 61.31, 0.0)
Dim x4 As Point3d = New Point3d(20.0, 61.31, 0.0)

' ----------------------------------------------
' Menu: Fit
' ----------------------------------------------

' ----------------------------------------------
' Menu: Insert->Sketch Curve->Rectangle...
' ----------------------------------------------
' ----------------------------------------------
' Menu: Tools->Constraints->Continuous Auto Dimensioning
' ----------------------------------------------

Dim markId5 As Session.UndoMarkId
markId5 = theSession.SetUndoMark(Session.MarkVisibility.Invisible, "Profile short list")

Dim markId6 As Session.UndoMarkId
markId6 = theSession.SetUndoMark(Session.MarkVisibility.Invisible, "Create Rectangle")

Dim expression4 As Expression
expression4 = workPart.Expressions.CreateSystemExpression("48.291")

Dim expression5 As Expression
expression5 = workPart.Expressions.CreateSystemExpression("51.31")

theSession.SetUndoMarkVisibility(markId6, "Create Rectangle", Session.MarkVisibility.Visible)

' ----------------------------------------------
' Creating rectangle using By 2 Points method
' ----------------------------------------------

Dim line1 As Line
line1 = workPart.Curves.CreateLine(x1, x2)

Dim line2 As Line
line2 = workPart.Curves.CreateLine(x2, x3)

Dim line3 As Line
line3 = workPart.Curves.CreateLine(x3, x4)

Dim line4 As Line
line4 = workPart.Curves.CreateLine(x4, x1)

'theSession.ActiveSketch.AddGeometry(line1, Sketch.InferConstraintsOption.InferNoConstraints)

'theSession.ActiveSketch.AddGeometry(line2, Sketch.InferConstraintsOption.InferNoConstraints)

'theSession.ActiveSketch.AddGeometry(line3, Sketch.InferConstraintsOption.InferNoConstraints)

'theSession.ActiveSketch.AddGeometry(line4, Sketch.InferConstraintsOption.InferNoConstraints)

' ----------------------------------------------
' Dialog Begin Color
' ----------------------------------------------
Dim markId4 As Session.UndoMarkId
markId4 = theSession.SetUndoMark(Session.MarkVisibility.Visible, "Edit Object Display")

Dim displayModification1 As DisplayModification
displayModification1 = theSession.DisplayManager.NewDisplayModification()

displayModification1.ApplyToAllFaces = False

displayModification1.ApplyToOwningParts = False

displayModification1.NewColor = 186

Dim objects1(3) As DisplayableObject
Dim line5 As Line = CType(workPart.Lines.FindObject("ENTITY 3 2 1"), Line)

objects1(0) = line1
Dim line6 As Line = CType(workPart.Lines.FindObject("ENTITY 3 3 1"), Line)

objects1(1) = line2
Dim line7 As Line = CType(workPart.Lines.FindObject("ENTITY 3 4 1"), Line)

objects1(2) = line3
Dim line8 As Line = CType(workPart.Lines.FindObject("ENTITY 3 1 1"), Line)

objects1(3) = line4


' Delete

Dim markId9 As Session.UndoMarkId
markId9 = theSession.SetUndoMark(Session.MarkVisibility.Visible, "Delete")

Dim objects2(3) As NXObject
Dim line9 As Line = CType(workPart.Lines.FindObject("ENTITY 3 3 1"), Line)

objects2(0) = line1
Dim line10 As Line = CType(workPart.Lines.FindObject("ENTITY 3 1 1"), Line)

objects2(1) = line2
Dim line11 As Line = CType(workPart.Lines.FindObject("ENTITY 3 4 1"), Line)

objects2(2) = line3
Dim line12 As Line = CType(workPart.Lines.FindObject("ENTITY 3 2 1"), Line)

objects2(3) = line4
Dim nErrs1 As Integer
nErrs1 = theSession.UpdateManager.AddToDeleteList(objects2)

Dim notifyOnDelete2 As Boolean
notifyOnDelete2 = theSession.Preferences.Modeling.NotifyOnDelete

Dim nErrs2 As Integer
nErrs2 = theSession.UpdateManager.DoUpdate(markId9)

theSession.DeleteUndoMark(markId9, Nothing)

' ----------------------------------------------
' Menu: Tools->Journal->Stop Recording
' ----------------------------------------------

End Sub
End Module

You can pause the execution of a journal by using the .Sleep method on the current thread. You can read more about the .Sleep method here:
The first 2 posts in the following thread show how to use it in a journal:

Showing the user a message box will also effectively pause the journal code until the user dismisses the message box. This article explains how to use the NX and the windows message boxes:

Alternately, you might consider creating "temporary lines" for the box. These lines will stay in the graphics area until the display is refreshed. Look up "DisplayTemporaryLine" in the NXOpen API reference.