Editting Extrude Feature and Handling Failed Edge Blend Update

I am attempting to edit an extrude feature, and a reference edge from the extrude feature gets destroyed, as does the Edge Blend used later on in the part navigator tree. I anticipate this happening and have attempted a few things to suppress the error but can't seem to get it suppressed.

If TypeOf fts(index) Is Extrude Then
For Each ftr As Feature In fts(index).GetChildren
nxSession.UpdateManager.SetUpdateFailureAction(ftr, Update.FailureOption.AcceptAll)
ExtrudeModifier(fts(index), fts(index - 1), fts(fts.Length - 1)
End If

In the ExtrudeModifier, there are some code calls I follow from the journal I recorded, does anyone know if these are the right calls to make?

nxSession.UpdateManager.InterpartDelay = True

I think this link might be the part the fix, or possibly that my Nx/computer was due for a restart. Everything seems to start working now.


Nx 9 VB